Sargento Cheese drops Glenn Beck


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Sargento Cheese drops Glenn Beck.


Call them and let your thoughts be known.

If you support their decision to pull advertising because of Glenn's "Hate Speech", call and let them know.

If you abhor this tactic of politicizing advertising, call them and tell them "NO MORE CHEESE from SARGENTO"!

The lines in the sand are being drawn. Which side will you be on?
Tons of companies have been dropping Beck like a bad, well...

GEICO, P&G, Progress Insurance, Johnson & Johnson, and now Sargento-the list grows daily. I guess you could stop buying soap... We would be able to tell who the protesters are then ;)

Partially because one of the guru's of advertising Donny Deutsch, called for an advertisers boycott on his show... And there is a really liberal group "Color of Change" that is also working to get all Beck's advertising pulled...

Protesting with your money honey, gets 'em every time...

And this isn't a silent protest either...
Tons of companies have been dropping Beck like a bad, well...
And Fox has been adding new ones just as fast.

GEICO, P&G, Progress Insurance, Johnson & Johnson, and now Sargento-the list grows daily. I guess you could stop buying soap... We would be able to tell who the protesters are then ;)
GEICO sucks. P&G over-priced marginal products. Progressive...ever since the CEO gave Kerry $10 million....dee-dee-dee.

Sargento...called them and said bye-bye. Family of six. Two lbs of cheese/week.

Partially because one of the guru's of advertising Donny Deutsch, called for an advertisers boycott on his show... And there is a really liberal group "Color of Change" that is also working to get all Beck's advertising pulled...
So glad you mentioned Obama's communist friend that Obama annointed the new "Green Czar" and the major force behind the boycott, not Donny Deuschbag.

Protesting with your money honey, gets 'em every time...
Correct. Lots of Sargento cheese to soon be on sale. When sales drop after the sale, bye bye Sargento.

And this isn't a silent protest either...
Correct, the lines are being drawn.
Yup, Geico is over-priced and I'm sick to death of that 'cockney' gecko thing. They can rot.

Progressive are also over-priced and I'm sick of that annoying woman on the commercials - they can rot, also.

Sargento? 'Snickety' cheese for 'snickety' people? LMAO. Guess I ain't 'snickety' enough because I thought their cheese was crap. Let 'em burn!

So, it will be interesting, how many cheese eaters watch Beck...

Economic protests do work, who can mobilize more?

What you would be better off doing to stem the Tide (yes, they are a P&G company) is call companies who still advertise on Beck and tell them that you are glad they are sticking it out...

The companies that have pulled aren't too worried about losing market share - they planned on that when they stopped advertising, it is the companies that are still advertising, that could pull, that you need to worry about.
This is political censorship.
It's unethical.
I'll explain why.

It has nothing to do with Deutsch, or both of his viewers on G.E.NBC. However, it is interesting that he would call for a boycott when you consider just how horrible the MSNBC ratings are when compared to Beck, or Fox News as a whole.

The boycott of Glenn Beck on Fox is being pursued by a black activist group created by Van Jones called

Van Jones is a communist, black nationalist, some say he's a convict, and most importantly he's Obama's GREEN CZAR. He's also one of the people directly responsible for writing the STIMULUS BILL with the Apollo Foundation.

Does "" have the influence to pressure these companies into pulling their support, or might it have something to do with the intimidation coming from the White House?

If an independent group launch this boycott, this would be different.
But the association of Van Jones and the White House in this makes this POLITICAL CENSORSHIP. If they have ANY success doing this against Beck, THEY WILL CONTINUE TO DO IT TO OTHERS.

***The Sargento number is only answered during regular business hours, central time.
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