I'm not too worried about it. I think Al Gore has our best interest's at heart. He invented it so he must have final say over anything that goes on in it.
I signed the petition....This is the first I've heard of this "WHY"? I guess their going to slide the BILL through the back door like so many other bill that are past, with out the people hearing anything about them. Wheres the media? They should drop crap like Britney Spears and START INFORMING THE PUBLIC ABOUT INPORTANT THINGS..
Sort of off topic but with all of this stuff going on. Beleive me Geno, I truly beleive this is one corrupt nation. Every single policy maker has an agenda more important that serving the people. I have never considered moving to another country more than in this day and age. Based on what our next President does and doesn't do will finally sway me as to whether I make that move.
As crazy as it sounds I do beleive there is some entity much more powerful than anything we know decided our lives and I'm not talking about God. Whether it's some Skulls type group or the Freemasons I don't like it either way. Going into Iraq I agreed with when it happened. But after reading and hearing about how it has turned out, with some of the least qualified people getting the jobs just because they a Republicans. I too am a Republican but that is no way to run a country or a "war on terror."
I just have to pick a place to go now. =(