SCIL Location

Behind the glove compartment door to the right side. Fairly easy to remove with just a few bolts and glove compatment out of the way.
Great thanks. I need to change mine. I've been told this could be the problem why I don't have any parking lights or brake lights.
It will cause a no start issue if you dont program the key(S)
If you only have one key there is a 45 minute in the field key programming procedure... but you will have to go to the dealer to get a second key programmed...
The scil is where your pats key info is stored... so when you change it out you lose that... thus you need to reprogram your keys. If you have two keys this is a very easy procedure, if you only have one you have to bring it to the dealer or use the 45 minute field programming procedure...
PATS isn't inside the PCM on our's in the SCIL as brandon said.
trust what the Gnome is telling you Greg, he's correct.
if you only have one you have to bring it to the dealer or use the 45 minute field programming procedure...

brandon is very familiar with this process, and I think he even gave a tutorial to a ford tech at one point during his nightmare.
Ok, so if I change the SCIL, then the car will not start after that? The new SCIL has to be installed then reprogram the keys? If this is the case, I will need the locksmith to come to my house.
If you have a key you can program it yourself using the long procedure. If you have two keys you can program it yourself using the shorter procedure. I think Brandon may have said that a time or two. :D

BTW Brandon, call me back. Didnt see I missed your call yesterday.
Hello and welcome to LVC technical support please press 1 if you have no keys for your car, press 2 if you have 1 key for your car, and press 3 if you have 2 or more keys for your car.

If you pressed 1 you have no keys for your car and you are :q:q:q:qed... have a nice day.

If you pressed 2 you have two options, either use the 45 minute field reprogramming procedure or have you car towed to the dealership for key programing.

If you pressed 3 you are in luck as you can use the quick and easy key programing procedure and have your vehicle up and running in only a few minutes.

Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Kustom you kill me.....too funny...

I was going to warn Greg about that but you jumped right in...thank you.

Luckily I can press #4 and Brandon is on Autodial.


Max is #3

Tiff is #2

#1 is voice mail and I cant change

So.. first I hit #2 and ask Tiff if I have enough money for the part
Then I hit #3 and call max and order the part
Then I hit #4 and ask brandon how to install or configure the part.

#5 is the guy that brings my safety equipment needed for mandatory safety meetings.

Please press 0 to return to the switchboard.
Change it out and see if the lights work correctly then if they do go use the absolutly free and easy (even if long) program proceedure. Brandon can tell ya how. :D
Change it out and see if the lights work correctly then if they do go use the absolutly free and easy (even if long) program proceedure. Brandon can tell ya how. :D

Ok I realize that this forum is a few years old but has anyone else experienced this...
When it becomes dark outside and my auto-lamps kick on, the message center displays the "Check Headlights" warning!!!
Now keep in mind that both headlights work, high and low functions. Including the interior lights and exterior lights. But when toggle the light switch from "Auto-lamp" to the Off position the unexplainable happens. The car's light's will strobe / pulsate in a continuous manner. Im hearing a repetitive click, click, click noise coming from the SCIL module. I'm not sure what the issue or what could have caused it? I would highly appreciate some input from other Mark owners. I have searched for days on LVC and have not found anything specific to this issue! I have already replaced the SCIL once before but I'm starting to worry that I might need another one.

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