SCT Flasher ?????


Well-Known LVC Member
Jan 13, 2006
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What is the difference between the Xcalibration and Xcalibration2? Do they come unprogrammed from the dealer? Does it have to be retuned if I buy it used? If so, how do I accomplish this? This type of tuner/flaher is new to me.
use the search option there is a ton of info on your questions.....
XCalibrator has been replaced by the Xcalibrator2. Xcalibrator2 has more features - user adjustibility, data logging, ...

Both are pre-loaded with tunes from a dealer.

There is a new one call XCalibrator SF - which comes pre-loaded with three tunes from SCT - not a dealer.

Using a dealer hase the benefit of making changes later (if you make future mods) and they can make a new tune and e-mail it to you.

Buying a used one:
- has to be 'unlocked' from the last car's VIN
- has to be erased - since the stock PCM code will not work on your car
- has to be reloaded with new tunes from a dealer built on your PCM code

The tunes can be e-mailed to you and uploaded into the device - but you have to find a dealer that will work with you (and charge you for the tunes).
Quik LS said:
XCalibrator has been replaced by the Xcalibrator2. Xcalibrator2 has more features - user adjustibility, data logging, ...

Both are pre-loaded with tunes from a dealer.

So ultimately you can get the same performance upgrades with either one, right?
Thanks a lot Quik! This forum wouldn't be the same with out you. You da man!
i will be getting one when my new rear-end goes in to compensate for the speedo error. the guy i am getting it from says better off with "1" instead of "2" since i personally won't be tuning it, and the tune is primarily for speedo adjustment. hopefully i can gain some mpg's out of the tune as well.

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