

Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
Jax, FL
I had the check engine light on my mark, so I went to the dealership and they told me that the exhaust maniflod vales were not operating right. The carbon have been stopping the vales from opening and closeing. They said they have to replace some parts and clean the carbon out.They want 1,200 for it. The previous owner put 87 gas and he said it ran fine but when I bought it from him, I started putting 93.
I have heard about seafoam but what does it do and will it fix my problem.
mark0101 said:
They want 1,200 for it.
Excuse me, but, um, the stealership is attempting to rape and pillage you. I'm sure their quote includes new injectors, are at the very least I hope it does for that kind of coinage.

1) Replace fuel filter. DIY project. Cut off the nipples from the old one close to the filter itself, stick a magic marker pen cap (needs to be the long cap style) into the retaining clip to 'spread' the clips that hold the tube in place, place a vice grip on the cap and pull the rest of the male out.
2) Replace O2 sensors. DIY project plus a 12 pack of brew and bloody knuckles.
3) Replace PCV valve. DIY
4) Run the Seafoam in the gas and into the intake thru the PCV vacuum line that goes into the manifold. Seafoam $5-$6.00/can. Get 2. Piss off your neighbors 15-20 minutes later with a smoke show like no other.
5) Install new plugs gapped at .048 -.054. DIY. Walmart Autolite 764's $ 1/piece

For less than $100, you'll know what is up after that.
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Will the seaform clear out the carbon stuck in the manifold. Do I have to do all of the stuff listed above.
Yes the Sea Foam will remove the carbon,If car runs better after Sea Foam no you won't have to do all the stuff. but if you did, then your Mark VIII would be very happy! :Beer
Seafoam= the sheeeeeet. Very worthwhile and much better than spending $1200.
I would be very careful with your engine. This material has the potential to loosen all types of crap. I would do several small applications vs one or 2 big ones. Moderation is usually better than a big binge if you know what I mean.

Start out with some in the gas. Change the plugs, PCV and fuel filter. I would even pay to have someone change the O2 sensors at this point (shop around for price) if necessary. Then go from there. IMHO, of course.
MonsterMark said:
I would be very careful with your engine. This material has the potential to loosen all types of crap. I would do several small applications vs one or 2 big ones. Moderation is usually better than a big binge if you know what I mean.

Start out with some in the gas. Change the plugs, PCV and fuel filter. I would even pay to have someone change the O2 sensors at this point (shop around for price) if necessary. Then go from there. IMHO, of course.
I know that the carbon is the problem. The dealer said that the vales are not operating. I don't know if they are not operating because of the carbon that is stuck in there or they are not operating at all. I am going to try using the seafoam. Could anyone tell me how it is done. :feedback
I know I am going to buy two cans.1 in the gas tank and 1/3 in the crankcase, 2/3 in the pcv/intake.

Can you tell me were is the pcv and the crankcase.
Thank you
So I did it today and It went fine. I put some in the gas tank and the pcv. I didn't put it in the crankcase because most of you in the website don't think it is a good idea. When will I expect the check engine light to go off.
Disconnect the battery for a couple of minutes to clear any codes that may be stored in the computer.
My light is gone but my car just shuts down while I am driving now. They said the need to replace the part that opens and closes the vales. What could be a cause for my engine shutting down. it happens when I am at a stoplight.
Seafoam is no more than $5.00 at your local Autozone or Advance auto. And I think the valves you are talking about that open and close are the IMRC's, Seafoam should clear that.
i don't think his imrc's not opening would shut down his engine at the light. sounds like you have some serious problems, i am afraid you are past the seafoam stage....
67Continental said:
i don't think his imrc's not opening would shut down his engine at the light. sounds like you have some serious problems, i am afraid you are past the seafoam stage....
so should I pay the 1200
67Continental said:
i don't think his imrc's not opening would shut down his engine at the light. sounds like you have some serious problems, i am afraid you are past the seafoam stage....
it only happened about two times. it doesn't shut of every time
Have you replaced the O2 sensors and the PCV valve? Start there. You can get the sensors on Ebay and the PCV at the auto store. About $50.00 for both O2's and valve. Has nothing to do with the IMRC's unless they are stuck open. Find a Mark guy close to you and maybe you can pull the intake off yourself and take a peak at the IMRCs. Recheck at vacuum lines around the engine. Listen very carefully for any hissing sound.

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