Seat Backing Fell Off!


Well-Known LVC Member
Apr 12, 2006
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im sure someone else has had this problem. I had noticed it looked a bit loose and wasnt tight against the other part of the seat, then yesterday i get in and see it completely off, damn thing is hard to get back on

can it be put back on? or what has to happen to fix this? it looks hideous
Happens a lot, happened to me. It's held by clips which if you look may or may not be re-usable. I had to get new part ass'y.
ya, this is a real pain in the ass, happens to me all the time i think because of the seat moving back and forth everytime you get in and out of the car... just take the cover off and there are too push pins on the bottom, pull them out a little bit and one side of the cover goes down onto the push pin and the other side goes up onto the push pin (this gives it like an interlocking fit)... once you have those interlocked, push them in so the pins go back into the holes fully, the jus push in the 2 middle sides where there are hook tabs, and the top where there are more hook tabs... i found the trick is that when you are hooking the top tabs in, pull down a little on the seat cover, push the seat in and then pull up on it...

let me know if i confused the hell out of you haha
Aviation said:
im sure someone else has had this problem. I had noticed it looked a bit loose and wasnt tight against the other part of the seat, then yesterday i get in and see it completely off, damn thing is hard to get back on

can it be put back on? or what has to happen to fix this? it looks hideous

Yes this is a common problem that Lincoln never got right (see thread ). The TSB states that the clips holding the seatback on can fail in high ambient heat. For me it was a warranty item but if you are out of warranty I think you're out of luck. Not sure how much the part is but I'd bet around $100. Good luck

I had this problem right after I bought the car this summer. Luckily it was under warranty and didn't cost anything. It's something that happens fairly often. It's a combination of high heat (yeah right) and the seat moving back and forth on entry. I had it replaced but there's a diference in the color of the remanufactured ones and the original ones and they don't perfectly match, but it's close enough not to notice. Also having people in and out of the back seat hurts this a little bit. Another problem area is the plastic covering where the seat bolts to the floor behind the seat. This ALWAYS comes off and I've had it replaced twice. I jsut took it off and let it go.
Mine would always pop out at the top, but the bottom would stay in place. If I gave it a smack the clips would go back in place and stay there for a little while but then they would pop back out again. The best solution I found was taking the back completely off, and reinstalling it with the top pieces first. I had to force the top two clips in by pushing the whole back piece up, until it grabbed, and then clipping in the sides. The bottom two are a lot harder to get in. I think I got one of them, but I'm not completely sure. I thought for sure the whole thing would just start falling off, but it's been fine for the last month or so...

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