great, thank you, that is exactly the kind of info I was looking for.
so far a couple of dealers around him told him either $300 or more to fix it or that they couldn't even get the part to be able to do the repair...
so it looks like for the price I can get these complete kits, I will be throwing a set of aftermarket elements on there (also cause I have to do the same thing to his wifes continental too). I think i will at least see if the OEM controls "like" being hooked up to the new elements first. do you think that if I meter both elements (of course from the working OEM side) that if their resistance was similar that the current COULD be with in an acceptable range? then again, I really have no ideal how the carbon fiber resistances change due to heat and if they are even close to similar to the metal coil.
I do see one difference right away from that diagram, the OEM elements are ran in series with each other vs the ones I installed being ran in parallel, so more that likely I'll probably just have to use the switches that come with the kit, I would just like to keep of original look (but then again, this is not you average good condition LS you usually find on a site like this...)