LVC Member
How can I replace it without tearing the whole thing apart. See Picture
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i highly suspect valve damage. good luck.
The thing with the secondary tensioners and chain is to replaced them well before this happens. You're so much further in now, unfortunately.
Out of time and likelihood of valve damage as already mentioned.
This is a facepalm moment. I am actually speechless. All that money he spent on the rims and jacking the car up to make them fit, he could have built a bulletproof all motor demon. It takes all kinds I guess. OP I'd talk him down to 4500. If it drive good, great, but 5500 is a lil steep. At least the timing chains are done. That's one less headache.
of course the OP could have ended up buying a different LS all together
Got it for 4200 included tax and title registration after I took it to my uncle who works at a Lincoln dealer and got a clean bill of health.
OP: so did you have any signs or sounds that it was about to fail that were just put off, or was all good until it finally decided to break?