See the Left EXPLODING and IMPLODING over Alito...


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Apr 24, 2005
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Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2006 11:53 a.m. EST

Kim Gandy Cussin' Mad Over Alito Confirmation

National Organization for Women president Kim Gandy was so angry on Tuesday after the Senate confirmed Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito that she began cursing during a radio interview.

"That is such b - llsh - t!" Gandy exclaimed, after radio host Steve Malzberg argued that Alito was nowhere near as politically extreme as Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who once favored lowering the age of consent for women to 12.

The staff at WOR Radio bleeped Gandy's swearword and Malzberg promptly warned her, "Hey, hey, hey - you can't say that on the air...I suggest that you control yourself - we're on the public airwaves."

Souding surprised at the reprimand, the NOW chief responded: "Excuse me - that's a curseword?"

The foul-mouthed feminist then proceeded to get into a verbal tussle over the Iraq war - and NOW's support for anti-American "peace mom" Cindy Sheehan.

Gandy stopped short of endorsing Sheehan's description of President Bush as "a terrorist," but explained: "I think that he's done some pretty terrible things. And getting us into the Iraq war was one of them. He misled the public. He misled the Congress."

Gandy then complained that the U.S. military was mistreating "our soldiers, especially our female soldiers."

"There are women soldiers in Iraq who died of dehydration because they were afraid to drink any liquids after three or four in the afternoon because they would be raped if they had to go to the latrine at night," the top feminist fumed. "Raped by our own soldiers."

Gandy's R-rated outburst came during the following exchange:

MALZBERG: You don't see it as a president's right to have a Supreme Court nominee given an up or down vote?

GANDY: Oh, absolutely.

MALZBERG: So when you saw Ruth Bader Ginsburg come out for the age of consent to be lowered to 12 for legalized . . .

GANDY: Oh, that's - that is such b - llsh - t!

MALZBERG: Hey, hey, hey, hey. You can't say that on the air. That is not - that's absolutely . . .

GANDY: That is not . . .

MALZBERG: That's absolutely in the past of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

GANDY: That is ludicrous. That is absolutely ludicrous. It's not true. I've heard it said on right wing . . .

MALZBERG: Well, I suggest you do your homework.

GANDY: I've done my homework. Ruth Bader Ginsburg . . .

MALZBERG: . . . . and control yourself. We're on the public airwaves.

GANDY: Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one of my heroes. She was my law professor when I was in law school. She's one of my heroes. She never said anything . . .

MALZBERG: [She favored] legalized prostitution, lowering the age of consent. And yet she was overwhelmingly confirmed with about 96 votes.

GANDY: She was recommended by Orrin Hatch.

MALZBERG: That's not true. That is not true. Orrin Hatch never recommended her.

GANDY: It's definitely - Orrin Hatch's autobiography says that he recommended her.

MALZBERG: I've heard Orrin Hatch asked that.

GANDY: And Orrin Hatch was right.

MALZBERG: Well, we have a basic fundamental disagreement but I'm able to control myself and not curse at you.

GANDY: What, are you - you're saying - excuse me, that's a curseword? I - ah - well, ha, ha, ha, ha. That's amazing.

MALZBERG: Well, yeah, you're not allowed to say that on the airwaves. Surprise, surprise. I thought someone who's been on as many programs as you probably [would] understand that. But now you know and you'll probably never say that word again.

GANDY: It could be. [END EXCERPT]

This is a NEWS STORY, Johnny. You want to discredit the source?
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Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2006 8:32 a.m. EST

Cindy Sheehan Claiming Police Brutality

"Peace mom" Cindy Sheehan is so angry that she wasn't allowed to disrupt last night's State of the Union address, that she intends to file a lawsuit claiming she was brutalized by Capitol Hill police who suppressed her first amendment freedoms.

"I have the bruises and muscle spasms to prove it," Sheehan said, in a message posted to several left-wing Web sites after she was arrested and then released on her own recognizance.

Sheehan also contends she suffered emotional trauma, complaining, "I am so upset and sore it is hard to think straight."

The Bush-bashing "Gold-Star" mom says she wants to take legal action, announcing: "I have some lawyers looking into filing a First Amendment lawsuit against the government for what happened tonight. I will file it. It is time to take our freedoms and our country back."

In her message Sheehan detailed the abuse by one security guard who hauled her off after she unzipped her jacked to display a T-shirt decrying the number of Iraq war dead.

"[A Capitol Police] officer ran over to me, hauled me out of my seat and roughly [with my hands behind my back], shoved me up the stairs," she said.

The anti-war mom recalled complaining as she was being hustled out of the building, "I'm going, do you have to be so rough?"

Sheehan said that after the officer was informed that she was a big celebrity, the abusive treatment stopped.

"You didn't care about being careful when you were dragging me up the other steps," she recalled telling the Capitol guard.
instead of scouring RW hate sites for dirt, try this......

Posted on Thu, Feb. 02, 2006
Ejected guests receive police apology
By Laurie Kellman
Associated Press

WASHINGTON – Capitol Police dropped a charge of unlawful conduct against anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan on Wednesday and apologized for ejecting her and a congressman’s wife from President Bush’s State of the Union address for wearing T-shirts with war messages.

“The officers made a good faith, but mistaken effort to enforce an old unwritten interpretation of the prohibitions about demonstrating in the Capitol,” Capitol Police Chief Terrance Gainer said in a statement late Wednesday.

“The policy and procedures were too vague,” he added. “The failure to adequately prepare the officers is mine.”

The extraordinary statement came a day after police removed Sheehan and Beverly Young, wife of Rep. C.W. “Bill” Young, R-Fla., from the visitors gallery Tuesday night. Sheehan was taken away in handcuffs before Bush’s arrival at the Capitol and charged with a misdemeanor, while Young left the gallery and therefore was not arrested, Gainer said.

“Neither guest should have been confronted about the expressive T-shirts,” Gainer’s statement said.

Gainer added that he was asking the U.S. attorney’s office to drop the charge against Sheehan. The statement also said he apologized to the Youngs and “share the department’s plans for avoiding this in the future.”
“A similar message has been left with Mrs. Sheehan,” Gainer said.
For his part, Bill Young said he was not necessarily satisfied.

“My wife was humiliated,” he told reporters. He suggested that “sensitivity training” may be in order for Capitol Police.

A foreign-born American citizen who was the guest of Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., also was taken by police from the gallery just above the House floor, Hastings said Wednesday.

The congressman met with Gainer and House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., about the incident.

“I’d like to find out more information,” Hastings said in an interview, identifying the man only as being from Broward County in Florida. “He is a constituent of mine. I invited him proudly.”

Sheehan’s T-shirt alluded to the number of soldiers killed in Iraq: “2245 Dead. How many more?” Capitol Police charged her with a misdemeanor for violating the District of Columbia’s code against unlawful or disruptive conduct on any part of the Capitol grounds, a law enforcement official said. She was released from custody and flew home Wednesday to Los Angeles.

Young’s shirt had just the opposite message: “Support the Troops – Defending Our Freedom.”

The two women appeared to have offended tradition if not the law, according to several law enforcement and congressional officials.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
The two women appeared to have offended tradition if not the law, according to several law enforcement and congressional officials.

Throw the bitch in jail.

Acually, it would have been great to see her stand up and make a fool of every DemocRat in the country. So I am sad to see her not succeed. But if ANYBODy thinks it is appropraite or they have some kind of right to make a statement, the SOTU is neither the time nor the place. If you can't figure out why, you are a hopeless cause.
Dishonor to her own son....

Cindy Sheehan is a dishonor to her own son and to every other parent and soldier who have so bravely given thier life for thier life. These soldiers do not have to agree with the reasons why they are over there, but they know that they have a job to do, and every day bravely do the job that they have VOLUNTEERED to do. There is no draft. They are not forced to serve, they do so by choice. I am sure that Sheehan's son was in fact a VOLUNTEER. He probably looks down from the heavens each and every day and cry's that his mother would be so calous as to use his bravely given life to further her own goals. I pray to god above that I never have to give my childrens lives for the protection of my country, but I will be damned if I would ever DISHONOR my child like she has. If she is so right, as the lefties are claiming, then why are the other parents of our Fallen Hero's not Standing beside her?? I will tell you why, even though they may not agree with the premise of the war, they refuse to degrade the menories of thier loved one's with the circus style, headline grabbing, self gratification antics of a mother who has no problems with dishonoring the memory of her brave son.
What people fail to understand is that Cindy Sheehan was a nut job BEFORE her son was killed. She is just using his death as a platform to further her political goals, which I why I despise her.
Not doubting, but what is your source for her activism before her son's death?
barry2952 said:
Not doubting, but what is your source for her activism before her son's death?
I appreciate that. They used to reside on my other computer before it died a slow and painful death.

I will try to find them again on the net. If I can't find them, I will retract the statement until I do. She has been an activist on many other issues before her sons death caused her fame and glory.

I need time to search for them. Right now every story is Cindy getting tossed out of the Capitol.
Here ya go Bryan:

A Legacy of Leftist Anger

One might speculate that her son's death freed Cindy Sheehan to take a more prominent role in stating the convictions she long held. Her hatred of President George W. Bush apparently harkens back to well before her son ever set foot in Iraq. In "An Open Letter to President George Bush," published in the Not In Our Name newsletter shortly after the 2004 presidential elections, she wrote:

"George, in 2000 when you stole that election and the Democrats gave up, I gave up, too. I had the most ironic thought of my life then: "Oh well, how much damage can he do in four years?"

According to San Francisco-based talk show host (and acquaintance of the Sheehan family) Melanie Morgan, Cindy Sheehan's antiwar animus dates to well before her son's death.[1] The Sheehans always opposed U.S. involvement in Iraq. Asked about the views she and her husband, Pat, had toward the Iraq War before their son's deployment, she answered: "We didn't understand why the United States was there. We never thought that Iraq was an imminent threat to the United States."

She has taken advantage of her status as an aggrieved mother to spread her poisonous brand of far-Left politics. Her natural target was the Iraq War. Sheehan testified at John Conyers' "impeachment hearings" on June 16, regarding the Downing Street Memo. She said, "The so-called Downing Street Memo dated 23 July, 2003, only confirms what I already suspected: the leadership of this country rushed us into an illegal invasion of another sovereign country on prefabricated and cherry picked intelligence. It appears that my boy Casey was given a death sentence even before he joined the Army in May of 2000." To be sure no one missed the point, she added, "I believed before our leaders invaded Iraq in March, 2003, and I am even more convinced now, that this aggression on Iraq was based on a lie of historic proportions and was blatantly unnecessary."

However, she has branched out into denouncing the military and the United States itself. According to FPM contributor Lee Kaplan, Sheehan likened convicted terrorist lawyer Lynne Stewart to literary hero Atticus Finch at a rally at San Francisco State University. Stewart passed on messages from convicted 1993 World Trade Center bomber Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman to his terror cell in Egypt and often pledged her belief in the morality of anti-capitalist violence. According to Kaplan's account, Sheehan's rhetoric that evening could as easily have been written by the "Blind Sheikh" himself; she, too, regarded America as the "Great Satan": "America has been killing people on this continent since it was started. This country is not worth dying for."

She furthered this belief with a pronouncement on her official website, in which she describes her vision of a utopian future in America: "I will rejoice to hear the sounds of the collective Mea Culpa and the beating of breasts."

To deprive this evil empire of a sufficient military, Cindy endorsed the San Francisco citywide measure known as "College Not Combat," which would encourage the city's high schools to deny military recruiters access to their student directories, from which they seek military enlistments. The fact that the cause she championed in the name of "the children" would be a violation of section 9528 of the "No Child Left Behind" Act, an infraction punishable by the revocation of federal education funds, did not cause her or her ideological comrades to bat an eye. The "College Not Combat" coalition includes a host of socialist and anti-American organizations, including International ANSWER, Code Pink, the National Lawyers Guild, the International Socialist Organization, Socialist Organizer, the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (which hails convicted cop-killers as "political prisoners"), and others. Such left-wing organizers often speak of the need to reduce the number of young people joining the armed forces, in order to frustrate "imperialist" U.S. foreign policy.

One such radical leftist is Medea Benjamin, the founder of Code Pink, Global Exchange, and the mastermind behind the violent anti-World Trade Center riots in Seattle. Benjamin enjoys a close working relationship with Cindy Sheehan as part of the professional antiwar fringe. Medea, a longtime admirer of Fidel Castro, with the help of fellow Castroite Leslie Cagan, founded the International Occupation Watch. Established in the city of Baghdad during the height of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Benjamin said its stated goal was to get as many U.S. troops as possible to declare themselves conscientious objectors and be sent home. Through Code Pink, she even managed to take $600,000 of cash, medicine, and supplies to "the other side" in the Iraqi terrorist capital of Fallujah (possibly the whereabouts of Casey Sheehan's murderers). In an essay in Nation magazine, Benjamin spelled out a long-term strategy to deflate the U.S. military presence in Iraq and around the world.

Benjamin's anti-American foreign policy views are seemingly shared by Kathy Kelly, with whom Cindy shared the stage during antiwar protests. Kelly is the Director of Voices in the Wilderness, which violated UN sanctions against Saddam Hussein's Iraq in the 1990s. Kelly visits "political prisoners" held captive by the United States…in Iraq. She has spoken at numerous campuses, often with radical Islamists, and has supported the Nicaraguan Sandanistas. In late 2003, Kelly received a three-month sentence for trespassing at Ft. Benning, Georgia, during a massive protest against the anti-Communist "School of the Americas."

David Fenton has been laying the propaganda groundwork the Left needs to justify its anti-American policies for nearly a generation. A one-time photographer for the Weathermen, a left-wing terrorist organization, as well as a partisan calling for the "liberation" of South Vietnam, Fenton went on to angle the U.S. media on behalf of the Nicaraguan Sandanistas and the Marxist regime of Grenada. Fenton Communications was soon enlisted to popularize the George Soros-funded and the Win Without War Coalition. In 2004, Cindy Sheehan appeared in an anti-Bush TV commercial, paid for by a 527 group known as "Real Voices," which were distributed by…Fenton Communications. Coincidentally, David Fenton also promotes the September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, another organization of left-wingers making political capital from the death of their loved ones.

Fenton is not Sheehan's only public relations conduit. Her statements are also distributed by the Institute for Public Accuracy, the organization that sponsored Sean Penn's trip to Baghdad on the eve of war. The day after September 11th, this taxpayer-funded entity offered "expert" testimony on terrorism to credulous media outlets. One IPA-sanctioned spokesman said Osama bin Laden's handiwork "holds up a mirror to U.S. policy of causing massive civilian suffering in Iraq…[W]e hope that along with the grief, we can…form deeper compassion and understanding." The IPA is a member organization of United for Peace and Justice, the "mainstream" face of the antiwar movement, which held many of the major antiwar demonstrations in 2003 and was founded by…Communist Party member Leslie Cagan.

It appears Sheehan embraces the anti-American views of the far-Left, possibly even advocating that soldiers disobey their officers. An online interview reveals that after defining "supporting war and killing" as "anti-Gospel, anti-religion, and anti-Christ," she told American troops they were being "misused," and finally exhorted them: "Refuse to kill innocent people." Yet no U.S. officer can legitimately order someone to kill "innocent people"; it seems she has joined Medea Benjamin and Leslie Cagan's crusade to mint ranks of conscientious objectors who will study (anti-terror) war no more.

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Thursday, Feb. 2, 2006 12:22 p.m. EST

Alec Baldwin Blasts 'Chicken-Bleep' Dems

Hollywood Democrat Alec Baldwin is blasting his party's Senators for failing to block Samuel Alito confirmation to the Supreme Court, saying he's appalled that Sen. Ted Kennedy and other liberals could muster only 25 of the 41 votes needed mount a successful filibuster.

The problem is there are too many "chicken-bleep Democrats in the Senate," the agitated actor told the New York Daily News.

"We have a bunch of budding Zell Millers down there," he complained, referring to the Georgia Democrat who backed President Bush in the 2004 election.

Turning his ire towards Miller, Baldwin explained: "I loathe and despise him on a daily basis."

Baldwin's profanity-laced outburst followed comments Tuesday by National Organization for Women chief Kim Gandy, who exploded in over "right wing" claims that Alito is no extremist.

"That is such b - - lsh - t!" the foul-mouthed feminist fumed to radio host Steve Malzberg.

Actress Meryl Streep did better at containing her Alito rage, lamenting to the News: "I'm so demoralized."
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Posted on Thu, Feb. 02, 2006
Ejected guests receive police apology
By Laurie Kellman
Associated Press

WASHINGTON – ....................
“My wife was humiliated,” he told reporters. He suggested that “sensitivity training” may be in order for Capitol Police.

Typical self serving BS. It's OK to humiliate others, endanger others, slander others but as soon as someone touches you!!!!!!!!!!!!! This woman is being used and doesn't even have the brains to realize it.
My 2 cents on this.

First, Cindy Sheehan was wearing that shirt to get some free airtime from the media to support her views. I'm sure her idea was to wear that shirt, knowing the cameras will do a closeup of her sitting in the gallery. Sheehan was invited to the speech by Rep. Lynn Woolsey of California, who is another anti-war peacenik just like Sheehan. Woolsey was using Sheehan to get her message out, I'm sure. Another case of using Cindy Sheehan for political purposes, and she goes along with it.

Second, I'm all for allowing people to protest, but inside the House chamber during the SOTU by the President is not the place to do it. If you want to disagree with the President, go ahead, but do it elsewhere.
This seems like a pretty good place to disagree with the President.
JohnnyBz00LS said:

The sorry state of antiwar protest

Scripps Howard News Service

Has the state of American antiwar protest really come down to Cindy Sheehan?

Sheehan, whose soldier son was killed in Iraq, was once a figure of considerable sympathy. Now she comes off as shrill, humorless and self-promoting, which is hard to do in the nation's capital, given the level of competition.

The night of President Bush's State of the Union message, she was ousted from the House visitors' gallery for wearing a T-shirt _ that personal billboard for beliefs, products and places _ with an antiwar slogan, "2,245 dead. How many more?"

She feels her right of free speech was infringed and wrote on her Web site, "I don't want to live in a country that prohibits any person ... from wearing, saying, writing, or telephoning any negative statements about the government."

She apparently does like living in a country that allows frivolous lawsuits, because she plans to file one.

Like many driven people in pursuit of a cause, Sheehan tends to conflate great issues of principle with her own scrapes with reality. The fact is, she was in the House by invitation, not right, and she could have stood up and applauded in approval or sat on her hands and glowered as the president spoke. But the House sets its own rules and even the president must abide by them. He can come on the House floor only by invitation and escort.

Sheehan's episode was vitiated when Beverly Young, the wife of a powerful GOP congressman, was thrown out of the gallery for wearing a pro-war T-shirt, "Support the Troops _ Defending Our Freedom."

Unlike Sheehan, Young was not handcuffed or charged with a misdemeanor, but then her husband, Bill Young, is chairman of the defense appropriations subcommittee (Think military pork.). She even got away with calling a Capitol cop an "idiot," and you've got to have real juice to do that.

As it happens, Sheehan's dustup came with the news that Stew Albert had died, the last and least-known of a trio of antiwar protesters that included Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman. They could be every bit as self-righteous as Sheehan, but they were also inventive, imaginative and very amusing.

By way of protest, they once organized 50,000 people to levitate the Pentagon _ for which they had an official permit. They brought the New York Stock Exchange to a halt by showering the trading floor with dollar bills. In 1968, they nominated a pig for president.

Subpoenaed by the late and unlamented House Un-American Activities Committee _ probably because the committee's usual communist suspects had died or gone senile _ Rubin showed up dressed as a Revolutionary War soldier and was promptly thrown out. It was a twofold victory: He avoided testifying and he made committee members look like out-of-touch old foops.

Sheehan came to prominence last summer when she camped out near Bush's Texas ranch. At first, the protest, with crosses symbolizing the war dead, was rather poignant. But as the month wore on, Sheehan's insistence that she, personally, had to meet the president became disturbing.

Bush had met with her once before. He knew where she stood. And what did she think would happen? That he would suddenly see the light, call Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and say, "Don, I was wrong. Bring everybody home"? As his father might say, "Not gonna happen."

At the Capitol, Sheehan was fresh from Caracas, where she appeared at the side of Venezuelan strongman and U.S.-baiter Hugo Chavez as he urged, "Down with the U.S. empire." She also agreed with the characterization of the American president as the world's greatest terrorist "responsible for killing tens of thousands of innocent people."

You don't have to be real skilled in the persuasive arts to realize this isn't going to get you very far with an American audience _ assuming her intent truly is to persuade.

In a wonderfully self-defeating gesture, Sheehan is talking about running against Sen. Dianne Feinstein because the California Democrat, one of Bush's most severe critics, opposes immediate and total withdrawal from Iraq as unworkable.

Then again, maybe Sheehan's strange quest isn't really about the war, Iraq or Bush. Maybe it's all about Cindy Sheehan.

Sheehan, Chavez Give Dem Response to Bush Speech

By Scott Ott, Editor-in-Chief, [satire]

News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher.

(2006-01-30) — Cindy Sheehan, the California woman who parlayed the death of her soldier son into a successful public speaking and writing career, will join Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Tuesday night to deliver the Democrat response to President George Bush’s State of the Union address.

“Our choice of Cindy and Hugo demonstrates our commitment to diversity, and personifies our platform for the future,” said Howard Dean, chairman of the Democrat National Committee (DNC). “Plus, they’re among the few well-known progressives who didn’t vote to support the war in Iraq while publicly attacking the Bush administration for its policy toward Iraq.”

Mr. Chavez, whose generous contribution of cheap oil prevented the freezing deaths of thousands of residents of the impoverished commonwealth of Massachusetts, said his rebuttal of the Bush speech will constitute “a major counter-terrorism offensive.”

Mrs. Sheehan, a potential candidate for Dianne Feinstein’s Senate seat, said, “I’ve never given a speech for a national television audience, so I’m going to spend the next 24 hours organizing my thought, and turning that thought into a good rhyming chant.”

Mr. Dean said the DNC has given Mrs. Sheehan a small stipend for her efforts that should cover the cost of laundering her t-shirt.

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