Sensitive V8


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 15, 2005
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SF Bay Area
Hey all I recently took my 2004 LS V8 in for minor servicing. 28k miles and I noticed some slight hesitation on accelerating. All fluids and filters checked, injector cleaning, new air filter oil filtera and Synthetic 5W30. Im telling you I notice a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE difference in performance and gas mileage. Still going to take it to Lincoln later for the 30k service. I can tell you I only fill up with Chevron 91 octane.I do park outdoors 24/7 and my street is barely paved hence the dirty air filter. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO YOUR CARS!!:)
injector cleaning huh? What did they use. My 03 seemed to lose 25% of it's power rather suddenly about 3 months ago. Everyone says I'm crazy.
beaups said:
injector cleaning huh? What did they use. My 03 seemed to lose 25% of it's power rather suddenly about 3 months ago. Everyone says I'm crazy.

Some type of additive they put in your tank for what they call in "Intake system cleaner" and a "Fuel System cleaner. I was pretty low on gas when they did it so I immediately filled up. Im thinking my biggest performance gain was the new air filter. Cant believe how dirty mine was.

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