K, so i had the trans replaced 20,000 miles ago, and i didnt need to in the first place, i was duped into doing it by cottman transmissions. I had problems with it when it was still under the 12ooo mile warrenty, like the trans was not shiftin right for the 1-2 shift, which they replaced the piston, but i dont think it was upgraded. While i was bringing it home from that repair it shifted hard in the 1-2 shift, and squeeked the tires at wot. after about a week of that, i was going wot, and when it shifted i hear a POP!, and its back to regular smooth shifting. Well, the transmission is giving me problems like anything again. Well, realy the main problem is the trans is slipping all the time. it doesnt catch when im stopped and when im taking sharp corners, i have to tap the gas about 3 times before it finally catches. and sometimes when i am at a light ill jump on the gas, and it just reves to like 5000 and then goes nuts and basicly neutral bombs it and even though i love the smoke i get...im sure thats no good for the car. Now, when i accelerate it will float almost 2-3000rpm before it switches gears, under any condition of driving, except if i wot it then it just hits the rev limit (which apparently i found out is still on my cars computer, contrary to what i thought b4) and smacks into second. I fear shifting into od anymore, cuz even if im crusing along at 2k in 3rd, if i do put it into od it jumps up to 4+ and catches and makes the car shudder. GENO PLEASE HELP!