Setting the Keyless Remote


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Does anyone have the instructions to setting the keyless romote.

I've done it once but lost the instructions.

I know the switch or plug is behind the glove box, but that's all I remember.
you just open the glove compartment and look for something that looks like a plug with two prongs. Mine was on the left side toward the bottom. You use a wire or something to connect the two prongs, just for a second, and your locks should cycle. Then I believe you just hit the lock button on your remote and it should work. I did this about a month ago and I'm pretty sure thats how it went.
Thanks guys.. I had the instructions once but can't find where I placed them. I alway put things where I know I could remember but then I forget where that is. LOL
mespock said:
Thanks guys.. I had the instructions once but can't find where I placed them. I alway put things where I know I could remember but then I forget where that is. LOL

Old timers kickin in early there Rich.....scary to think you teach the younger generations..... :N
Yeah you know the saying

"They say the memory is the second thing to go...can't remember what the first was."
FreeFaller said:
Yeah you know the saying

"They say the memory is the second thing to go...can't remember what the first was."

Do I know you :N where am I why am I here!!! CRS is what happens Can't Remember $#!+

But then It's like always going to bed with a new woman every night LOL...

My most sincere thanks to BlackIce for your advice. I installed my coil spring conversion today that I purchased from Tim at Struts-R-Us. I am only slightly mechanically inclined, but thanks to your tech article, I completed the job . You were absolutely right. :iconcur: The ride is great, and I saved a small fortune. Also, I bought a remote entry thing from an internet company. They had me in the trunk of the car all day looking for the plug to program it. Thanks to you, once again, I found the plug in the glove box. :dancefool I feel like dancin... except...everything hurts!

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