New LVC Member
I have a 1993 Lincoln Mark 8, and I have been getting some acceleration issues that have been getting progressively worse. It started a month or two ago, with a slight hesitation when trying to accelerate. It stayed that way for a few weeks then one day after starting my car and pulling away from my house, the RPM's completely dropped and my engine completely stopped accelerating. It didn't die, though the battery light did flash on for a second, but it would not accelerate for a few seconds. After those few seconds, the RPM's kicked back up and the car drove fine, aside from the stuttered acceleration. This went on anytime I started my car whether hot or cold and it only happened within the first few minutes of me starting the car and driving. Now, just recently, my acceleration has become extremely stuttered and sometimes it will drive like i'm running out of gas, with my RPM's barely reaching 3k. I've replaced the spark plugs and wires, checked my battery and alternator, replaced both the fuel pump and fuel filter, replaced the Cam Position Sensor, and sprayed some TB cleaner into the TB. Any ideas as to where I should check next?