Shameless Plug

clean site! i only checked out the front page. i used to be a web developer(2 years) so i can appreciate all the time that goes into creating a site.

is there $ to be made out of this site? i am always trying to figure out a way to may some extra $ with my web dev skills

good luck!
The goal is to compete with some of the big names like Autoblog and whatnot. We will be making the site fully interactive once traffic is up but for now do not want a bunch of blogs up there with no comments as it looks lame and uneventful.

We only have a couple of writers on staff now and are still building more "Planets" for individual enthusiasts.

We are launching a "planet" this weekend for asian import enthusiasts.

Ultimately, there will eventually be a "planet" for every make as the demand for them grows.

We have a couple of cool things coming too. We are planning on making a hosting site that will be able to follow a person from one forum to another in the way of a hosted signature that has stats on the user and their ride that can be used in any forum that allows pics in a signature. That way you only have to make 1 signature and use it everywhere you post. Of course it will have our logo on it in the bottom corner to get more traffic, but as we all know, nothing is 100% free :D.

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