She's really not taking it well....


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 14, 2005
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:D ;)
Oh man! That's the funniest thing I have seen in a long time!
We shouldn't be so pleased she is getting hammered and will drop out of the race. We wanted her to be the candidate of the dems. This makes the election that much tougher for us.
We shouldn't be so pleased she is getting hammered and will drop out of the race. We wanted her to be the candidate of the dems. This makes the election that much tougher for us.

Yeah, I kinda agree there...
Obama may be more electable then Hillary (though that isn't saying much)
We shouldn't be so pleased she is getting hammered and will drop out of the race. We wanted her to be the candidate of the dems. This makes the election that much tougher for us.
Sorry, Bryan. Schadenfreude is alive and well with me when it comes to Hillary. Obama is beatable, and...well, I just wish the Clintons would FINALLY GO AWAY, you know what I mean?
Obama is beatable

I hope so...
I thought Kerry was easily beatable and he got closer then I would have thought, purely on hatred for Bush....
The lesson, never underestimate the hatred in liberals hearts propelling them to action
Yeah but..............

I hope so...
I thought Kerry was easily beatable and he got closer then I would have thought, purely on hatred for Bush....
The lesson, never underestimate the hatred in liberals hearts propelling them to action

I don't believe that the Lib's hate any of the potentials as much as they hated Bush for beating up on Gore.
I hope so...
I thought Kerry was easily beatable and he got closer then I would have thought, purely on hatred for Bush....
The lesson, never underestimate the hatred in liberals hearts propelling them to action

Everyone is beatable...
Obama might be very difficult.

He's young. He's inspiration. He's likable.
It's a very emotional candidacy. And the fact that he's a black candidate does appeal to a lot of people.

Furthermore, regardless who the Democrats pick, they will be supported by a wave of 527 support, the likes we've never seen before. It'll be like a billion dollar or resources and attack ads directed at who ever the Republicans nominate.

I don't think any of the Republicans other than Mitt or Rudy will have the ability, or resources to withstand or prevail over that.

Obama doesn't have the machine that Hillary has, but it's increasingly looking like the power of her machine has been greatly overstated. But Obama does have enthusiastic supporters, and the value of that can't be overstated.

With all of that said, the election is still eleven months away.
Considering the attention span of the average person, young voters in particular, how long will they be able to maintain that huge level of enthusiasm for Obama? It's should be a genuine concern that they're going to peak too soon. For all we know, by November, all this interest and excitement will burn out, apathy will set in, and he'll have low turn out.
We all know that reasonable people, when it comes time to pencil in the name, will take a pause and put family safety first.

It will be VERY obvious that Obama will be weak in that regard and ANY Republican will make hay based on the ability to convince the American people that he will do a better job at protecting them.

I would vote for a Dem if i thought they would better protect us.

I like my way of life. I don't want it to change. Obama will change it. For the worse I am convinced.

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