Shift lights anyone?


Well-Known LVC Member
Nov 11, 2005
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I was just curious if anyone uses a shift light in their cars. Mainly just for fun when using the SST of course or the manuals. They sell the shift lights with a redline dial on the back to adjust the timing of the light. If anyone has done this, I was just curious how easy they are to hook up. When it came ot my firebird, it was a one wire splice near the distributor.


d r e w
I have been thinking about this mod as well since I have the manual. I am looking for a small one, not to noticable from outside the car. I have done some searches on it and got the idea to mount it in the center air vent, kinda a stealth way to hide it. But on my manual I don't have the message center so it would fit perfectly in that area. If anybody has any know how on hooking it up it would help me as well. Maybe QuikLs has one....
There are lots of shift lights out there...Raptor, MSD, etc....and there are some very small yet very bright ones too. Find one you like, and download the instructions or call the manufacturer for the proper installation on this ignition system.
2001LS8Sport said:
There are lots of shift lights out there...Raptor, MSD, etc....and there are some very small yet very bright ones too. Find one you like, and download the instructions or call the manufacturer for the proper installation on this ignition system.

I did that with a few and they say tap into the distributer...The LS doesn't have one....There are some plug and play ones that use the cigarette lighter, But is there a way to hard wire it in and also recieve the info for the shift light?
Cigarette lighter isn't the best choice. Get in touch with MSD and see what they say. There are a lot of COP ignition systems out there....they should have some answers. MSD is located in El Paso.

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