should i change the foglights?


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 2, 2005
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thinking about ordering the 03-05 foglights for my 2000 LS.

which do you think looks better.
heres a pic off lskonsepts website that shows the right side factory foglights, and the left side is what it looks like with the new fogs.

which looks better to you?
need some opinions!!

i'm in a spending $$$ mood right now, this could change by tomorrow, so i need some opinions fast!! :Beer

I like how much are they from LSK? I would my 00 foglights have main pits in them from the previous owner following a gravel truck. HAHA Go for it.
ohioLS said:
I like how much are they from LSK? I would my 00 foglights have main pits in them from the previous owner following a gravel truck. HAHA Go for it.

they are $34.99/ea plue 7.99 s/h. thats the only reason i'm considering it. :Beer
Hell what you waiting on a invite........... order them!

ohioLS said:
Hell what you waiting on a invite........... order them!


thank you for encouraging my compulsive buying!! :L

i just want some opinions on how it looks.... :steering
I put the '03 style fogs on my car about a year ago and I love them. The install is a little tricky because you have to do a some drilling. Other than that, they are so worth the money. Check out my car.
ambisonics said:
I put the '03 style fogs on my car about a year ago and I love them. The install is a little tricky because you have to do a some drilling. Other than that, they are so worth the money. Check out my car.

hmmm.. yeah, that looks pretty sharp... i likey alot! :)
lucky you get to spend your money on upgrades rather than repairs! we cant all say that! :L
I plan on changing mine out someday soon.

I say go for it, its a cheap way to update the look of the car. :Beer
I really liked the pics from LSK's website but the more I looked at it I realized I liked the look because of the lack of a front license plate...stupid for the lights I'm rather indifferent...
Below is a picture of QuikLS (aka Lou) car. He did the conversion from the old fog's to the new. I've got a front view that I'll post later of my car some time ago.

This is true FreeFaller, damn Ohio front plates. On my 67 E-Type I didnt have the front plate put back on because it looks dumb and takes away from the beautiful look of the car. But I hardly drive it so..........the cops dont see it.
I guess Ohio actually was kicking around the idea of trashing the front plate due to the cost but I havent heard if it will pass. I hope so.

it's mostly for the looks - but the beam from the 03+ is more directional
just hold the turn signal lever back - the flash-to-pass feature allows both on at the same time.
YAY!! payment has been sent! cant wait! i figured i better order them right away before they go out of stock or something... cant wait! not like i could really afford this, but what the hell... :) :L
whatsupadrian said:
A relay. Can wire it like that when you get the hid conversion right?
NO with the hid conversion you can't do any of the cool wiring like that.

It should work the same as the regular lights.

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