Should I Get a Mark 8??


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 2, 2005
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I currently have a 97 Conti and really like the looks of the Gen 2 what would be the major differences between my car and a gen 2 and some advantages and disadvantages ? thx :)
2 Less doors,
and a smaller backseat.

But you'd have a RWD car with better performance.
A slightly better aftermarket....slightly.
Personally, I think it's a better looking vehicle.

And I was told that the Mark's air ride was better designed than the Conti.
sure you should. Hay, i hear theres a hell of a deal going on! A green 95 with 68k for ONLY $5k!:rolleyes:
really just a missing the two doors and it is alot more funner to drive with a RWD. And you will love it at night because of the HIDS lights.
According to Bryan you hair will not gray a fast, and you will have better performance in bed...

Go find a Mark VIII to test drove and you will feel the difference.
i dont know too much electronics..... hell the c.o.p are $$$$$$$ diggers...i had to replace on this week cause i had one just for some odd reason blowup into tiny peices............o well..............
if u do buy one, make sure its in good shape. that way, u dont have to dump twice of what u payed in it if it acts up.
Lincolns Own said:
if u do buy one, make sure its in good shape. that way, u dont have to dump twice of what u payed in it if it acts up.

what are major issues with the gen 2?

I heard something about door handles :rolleyes:
blend door,dirveshaft vibrations,the rubber coming pealing off from the rear glass and yeah, door handles tend to break off.

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