SHould i just make a forum for the OJ Simpson case now?


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL
This is shaping up to be another circus isnt it?

You guys will love this. You all realize, that in the eyes of the law, he's a first offender, since he hasnt been previously convicted of anything.

This is shaping up to be another circus isnt it?

Yep! Question is, how long until the "race" card is played...

You guys will love this. You all realize, that in the eyes of the law, he's a first offender, since he hasnt been previously convicted of anything.

At least they didn't let him go on bail this time...
No slow speed chase
Yet. He'll get a bail set in the next few days. The only question is how much he'll have to post to get out. He does have one thing in his favor, he didnt leave town when he found out he was a suspect.
This is shaping up to be another circus isnt it?

You guys will love this. You all realize, that in the eyes of the law, he's a first offender, since he hasnt been previously convicted of anything.

He was found liable in a wrongful death suit. No, it's not criminal, but it is a precedent.

As long as Lance Ito isn't the presiding judge, his trial will be a quick one.
Are you kidding? The bail judge went on CNN today to explain why no bail. Please. Judges dont do that. I dont EVER remember a sitting judge giving an national interview while the case is just getting started.

This is going to be the LA circus - Vegas style!

Bet you there is already a line on a not guilty verdict.

Vegas will make LA look like amatuers in the Criminal Circus department.
Vegas is in business. If you're a betting man, count on that city getting this issue resolved as quickly as they possibly can. According to "insiders," stories like this lingering in the press HURT business in Vegas.

Apparently, OJ was a bit too cocky, not realizing how much trouble he was in, so he ran his mouth off to the press. If he knew how much trouble he really was in, he would have left town.
Watching Larry King, the first guy to be arrested said he believes OJ was set up. Not that he didnt do it, but that he was set up to be in that position.
Oh, but this is going to be alot of fun I think.

It looks like everyone involved is a scumbag to some extent, "victims" included.

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