Show us your pets!


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 2, 2009
Reaction score
Camp Lejeune, NC
Heres my boys. Boxer (Porter), Cocker Spaniel (Chucky), and a Australian Shepard / Coyote mix (Roscoe)

Seriously dude, how many people search for pet threads on a car board? Its like 3 pages deep anyway.
we got the 2 black and white strays my wife nurtured from kittens and brought them in, then the older residents. cats are long haired ? and the dog is a min-pin, without cropped ears or tail. top, fluffy, cutie. bottom, angel, miss sparkles (daughter named all)


Well the last thread was about dogs in general even though it went a bit off topic.:D

EDIT: I just tried to post some pics but they wont show up:confused:
From top to bottom:

Golden head Altolamprologus Compressiceps

Eastern Milk Snake

My 350$ and still growing Orange Bearded Dragon

Blue Tail Fire belly Newt

Albino ( chocolate ) and Patternless Leopard Geckos

Then from left to right in the small pics: Albino ( chocolate ) Leo Gecko, Super Tangerine carrot tail Leo Gecko ( accident caused him to drop his carrot colored tail:( ), pinkish like Albino Leo Gecko, and the Patternless again.

I have a few ore but they wouldn't load. I had way more before the kids but I had to reduce do to space and cost when the first kid arrived.

We also have a ferret but I lost pics of him.









Angel, Boo and Rocky

Cats where once believed to be Gods and thus treated as such.

They haven't forgotten this and still expect it.

Angel 1.jpg

Boo 1.jpg

Rocky 1.jpg
well i got a "few" (5) cats just gotta find some pics. and yes i married the crazy cat lady. no dogs yet due to my tiny lawn, i aint walking it every time it has to piss
well i got a "few" (5) cats just gotta find some pics. and yes i married the crazy cat lady. no dogs yet due to my tiny lawn, i aint walking it every time it has to piss

There's the benefit of having a cat or in your case 5 and in mine 2, no walking and cleaning the box(es) isn't as bad as picking up raw dump. :D I have to get camera hooked up and take pics of cats and my mark finally.
Thats what I have been wondering. My mom always had them growing up.
rocky looks like a russian blue (just like mine ;))
the biggest advantage to cats vs dogs, is a dog is like a kid. anytime you somewhere overnight, you gotta find someone to watch the dog (kid) for the cats just fill the food and the water and your good, i can go on vacation for a week or so and no probs!
Those are 3 beautiful cats. Is Rocky a Russian Blue?

Thank you and yes, he is.

They really aren't pets, they're more like "fur children".
It's their house and they just let us live here.
Mulan - my lilac point siamese (rescued from a crack house) likes to play the piano with me, and she sings! She is tiny though - only a little over 5 pounds


This is my Golden Retriever Sam, he just turned 6 on the 3rd of January.

This is my American Pit Bull Terrier Cujo, he turned 3 on the 23rd of December.
I think you might be lost, paws...

This isn't the politics forum.


Monsieur Grenouille - I am not just a political beast you know... I have many other talents ;)

Merijon - great photoshops - I love the wet creature at the bottom :)
Señor Rana, quite all right - I do post mostly on the political side - there really isn't a lot of tech stuff here for me (I haven't noticed a lot of n* turbo charging threads ;) ). But on the Allante site or the other Caddy sites, they aren't so frisky politically...

It is like having a variety of FWB :)

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