Sicko Mfr's My God.

Should I post some videos of dudes driving around and shooting bums and black people with paintball guns here in the United States?

Just forward the video to the appropriate miltary people and let them deal with it.

Some people are morons. Doesn't make all people morons.

Btw, I really love the pre-pubescent teenager talking about ripping a guys balls off. LOL. Mr. Tough Guy.

And what is with the puppy off a cliff thing. It looks liek the puppy went over a shelf but you could hear it hit shortly thereafter so to call it a cliff is a bit of a stretch. Yes, there are people that hate dogs. Guess, what, there are people that eat dogs. What the hell does this have to do with Bush?

Did Bush create Michael Vick too?

And how does he know the puppy died?

Don't get me wrong. The soldier's acts are reprehensible but the military should deal with it and it has nothing to do with Bush.

We just had some kids do $30,000 worth of damage to a church near us. Was that Bush's fault?
Unbelieveable how these troops are representing our country! I hope this is just a small group of dissidents.

I watched the video...interesting how the video states that George W. Bush is a War Criminal...:rolleyes:
Those troops were behaving disgracefully. Very unprofessional. So much for the 'winning hearts and minds'
:mad: Thats nothing new! There were @ss holes like that in Viet Nam too..It wasn't the war, They were @ss holes before they got there.:mad:
Nazis? That's a littleoverboard, talk about propaganda.

The messing with the sheep was out of line, so was that video of the puppy. With the exception of those, all I saw were a bunch of bored college aged guys doing nothing worse than a bunch of frat guys would do. Given the fact these guys are sometimes under extreme stress situations, trauma, and boredom I really wouldn't expect anything more.

But like I said the puppy throwing was discusting and that sadistic piece of :q:q:q:q should be thrown over a cliff himself. To me, that guy has some sick underlying problems. If I saw that happen I probably would've shot him or seriously beat him and anyone else involved. The others throwing the chaff at the sheep should be seriously reprimanded too.

Unfortunately a lot of these acts are the side affects of being in a war like environment and I would not judge them negatively unless you've been there and know what they are going through.

But like the other posters said, this seems to be a small group of dissidents committing these acts. The fact that Bush was tied into that just makes it another ;eft wing propaganda film.
This generation of youths SUCK! everyone under my age is a complete D-Bag... either on drugs lookin for drugs alcholo and what not. I hate it
the whole world is going to hell so get used to it, thats why i'll be very happy when my time is up, the whole world is full of scum bags, its just worse now then ever, and its not getting any better.
This is the reply I got via email after a phoe call to the base.

Greetings and Aloha,

Please find the attached appropriate for coverage.

Marine Corps Base Hawaii continues to investigate a video of a Marine
mistreating a puppy that gained widespread attention on the internet
Monday. The content of the video is deplorable and contrary to the high
standards we expect of every Marine at home and abroad.

Very Respectfully,
Binford R. Strickland
1stLt, U.S. Marine Corps
Deputy Director, Public Affairs
Marine Corps Base Hawaii
Office: (808) 257-8870
Cell: (808) 630-8295
Fax: (808) 257-2511
"Hard work spotlights the character of people:
some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses,
and some don't turn up at all." -Sam Ewing

For Immediate Release

Release 26-08
Mar. 05, 2008

Internet video of Marine mistreating puppy

MARINE CORPS BASE HAWAII, Oahu – Marine Corps Base Hawaii continues to investigate a video of a Marine mistreating a puppy that gained widespread attention on the internet Monday. The content of the video is deplorable and contrary to the high standards we expect of every Marine at home and abroad.

MCBH learned of the video Monday morning and immediately began an investigation to confirm the authenticity of the video and the persons responsible for the video. The investigation will be thorough and will examine each person involved. Upon completion of the investigation, it will be reviewed by each Marine’s commander who will determine the appropriate action to take in each case.

No charges have been filed at this time. In the event that any Marine is charged with an offense, he will be afforded the constitutional and due process protections guaranteed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

The vast majority of Marines conduct their duties in an honorable and compassionate manner that brings great credit upon the Marine Corps and the United States. There have been numerous stories of Marines adopting pets and bringing them home from Iraq or helping to arrange life-saving medical care for Iraqi children. Those are the stories that exemplify what we stand for and how most Marines behave.

If you have a comment regarding this incident we encourage you to visit our Web site and leave a comment or concern at and click on the e-mail link. Incoming statements and comments will be compiled in a database for use in this situation.

There are always exceptions, which those are. Sensationalist news going right along with what the media does, nice job.

The good they're doing off camera outweighs the bad by a healthy margin. I get sent a lot of 'GOOD' stuff which we use in a monthly veterans publication that is never seen on the news or in papers.....the kind of stuff that doesn't come from the media......

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