Silver Streak becomes a Whiner

Looks like Jeremi has his work cut out for him. :p Those Kenne Bells really churn it out vs those Eatons.
Thanks guys. I really think that the Detroit scene will be moving to Whipple now that their production and marketing is straightened out. I would have gone there ,but it was too early in the year. 140 is what the rollers read for MPH before shutdown of pull.
Any chance I can get a parts list?? I'm soooo friggin wanting that setup....
Looks like Jeremi has his work cut out for him. :p Those Kenne Bells really churn it out vs those Eatons.

This aint' no secret, since 2002 I think :p

I consider Charlie a very good friend, so no competition here.

Having said that, I'll run the SS anytime ! ;)

BTW, Brian, what are you cooking up there ?

oh, and yeah, Whipple is my choice for the big blower if it comes down to it.
The new Whipple 3.3 makes the same power as a decent size turbo!
There is nothing trick about the project as all the parts are pretty much all the off the shelf stuff we all know about. It's just that I did the whole meal deal all at once. The complete drivetrain was replaced / and or rebuilt. All said and done most would go out and buy a new Mustang GT for what is tied up here. I did this as a gold watch for myself at retirement, as I will probably not try to do another performance car in the future. Just for a thumb nail sketch parts alone were in excess of 17 grand, so I hope this helps you. You can em me if you are going to pursue this and I would be glad to answer any direct questions.
Thats awsome thank you very much Roadboss, the old guys always have the coolest toys. This is a big project and it will take a few years, but Im patient and can wait for things to unfold. thanks again!

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