listen frogman this is ridiculous.
What is ridiculous? You creating a thread for the mere purpose of whining like a little school girl? If this is what you're going for, then indeed, this is ridiculous. Grow some balls and quit being such a little damned baby!
I don't care about run on sentences
I see this. Thank you for making my point.
and i dont care about your distorted views on Canada.
My so called "distorted" views, are just facts. You live in a Socialist country. This is not my opinion, it's fact. Do I care that you live in Canada? Nope. I surely don't. But that will not preclude me from speaking my mind about America's Cap. And it's not really Canada that I'm not in favor of. I'm not in favor of all those little whining vaginas such as yourself. Canadia can be a nice country... soon as people like you move out (preferably not to America).
what i do care about is when a simple question offered on an automotive forum is attacked and torn apart by you when no harm was ever directed at you.
Awww, did I hurt your widdle feelings? Did you tell mommy the bad man on the Internet was mean to you?
Your IDIOTIC questions were begging to be torn apart. And since I supposedly don't have a life, guess what...? I tore them apart. You got a problem with that? Deal with it.
if you didn't have anything nice to say, you didn't have to say anything.
AHA! The censorship bureau has arrived. Let me clue you in, my little confused kid. I will say what I want, WHEN I want to, and you're either going to have to live with it, or crawl into a little hole. For you see, I could really care less about your feelings.
Furthermore, this is the Internet. Not everyone is going to kiss up to you and give you e-hand jobs. With that said, not everyone agrees with everyone else. It's a fact of life. Something you've obviously skipped learning.
That's it? Damn, I was just getting warmed up.
maybe you get off on attempting to win internet conversations because i did not want this to get like this.
Oh. Thank God! That wasn't it!
Maybe I get off, or maybe I just like to win. Be it an argument on the Internet, or... well, just stuff in real life.
You didn't want to get like this? Like what? Creating little whiny ass threads about how I was mean to you? Oh, do break my heart. Wait. Don't have one.
you certainly lost respect from me about your input when you keep arguments going.
OH NO! I lost your respect? Dear me, what will I do? How will I live my sad, pathetic life without your respect? What in Hell makes you think I give a rat's ass about your respect of me? Of course, you're probably one of those people who think the world revolves around them, aren't you?
For the record, and as stated previously, I don't need, want, desire or yearn for your respect. You can keep it.
Don't give me the crap about "well you said this, so i had to say that" you started this mess by being an a$$ in the very first response.
But you did say "this" and I did say "that". In most circles, it's called a conversation. Apparently, in your circle it's called "the mean person doesn't like me, so I'm going to cry to my mommy, and then post some rhetoric on the internet about how the bad man was mean to me".
I'm an ass in a lot of conversations, but the main difference between most of those conversations and your crying... err. your conversation is that most of the other people took my being and ass to them in jest. Your skin, is apparently, not thick enough to be on the internet when someone doesn't agree with you.
its like you look for people that say something that you think are "stupid" remarks.
Look for people? Nah. I only do that in real life. However, if I do run across a thread that I think was posted by a moron (that's you, in case I lost you), then I will post whatever I damned well please. If your little ego can't handle it, then... what can I say? You shouldn't be on the Internet.
look at frogmans sig and info, he just thinks hes the smartest person in the world apparently.
And apparently, you're not smart enough to click on that link to see where it goes, are you. Oh, sure, I know, you're going to click on the link now, and see where it goes, then come up with some more whining excuses. It's all good. Go ahead. Click on it. DO IT! DO IT NOW! A half-wit would feel like an idiot after clicking on the link and seeing where it goes. You, unfortunately, aren't smart enough to even feel like a half-wit.
I am curious, how do you get on the Internet, exactly? Because you just don't strike me as smart enough to operate an old fashioned book, let alone a complex personal computer.
For those of you who don't know what im talking about this is the thread here.
Really? That's your best thread where you think I've been an ass? Let me guess, you lack the mental capacity to find more where I was more of an ass than to you.
Kid, your dick isn't long enough to get into a pissing contest with me. You can try, but you will fail... every... single... time.
i just think this crap has gone on too long in this particular thread and think if this happens again just move it to this forum or stop it all together.
Ok, someone translate this for me, please. My moron translator is broken.
because of this incident, my thread was destroyed and i never got as much input as i would have liked, and that's too bad.
Oh, it had nothing to do with this "incident" as you call it. Had you been wearing a thicker skin, your thread would have still "lived". But no, you had to start crying like the aforementioned little school girl as soon as the bad man was supposedly mean to you.
Did you notice the other reply to my reply in that thread? The one where the user called Grumman and was told the radar is too big to fit in his car?
You see, he got the joke. But your two little brain cells, while striving to keep you breathing, did not.
Now then. You can keep whining and crying, and I'll keep replying to you. You see, I really do have a lot of free time on my hands. And for people like you, I'll MAKE the time, even if I'm busy. I will, however, not make time to school you when I'm sleeping. You know, daydreaming of all that midget porn is quite tiring.