
The LS climate controls use electric servos, so there are no vacuum connections. Turning the defroster on, does turn the AC compressor on, so it might be that the slight extra load is some how smoothing it out. If so, this should be true on any climate control setting except off, unless you turn the compressor button off.
My son's Lexus SC400 had a similar problem, would only idle correctly when the AC was on. We never found the problem as I never had a chance to work on it, but I thought it had something to do with the IAC. When the AC is on the computer kicks up the idle to compensate for the added load. This is where I would concentrate my efforts.
A reasonably good thought, however the gen II LS doesn't have a separate IAC. Idle control is a function of the electronic throttle system, and the main (and only) throttle plate is used to control idle. I suppose it might be some carbon build up in the throttle body.

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