Small scratches


LVC Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Can anyone suggest a product to get out small scratches? My car is black so I feel like they show pretty easily, no matter how small. I know someone on here mentioned their car's previous owner must have followed alot of gravel trucks! How did you get out the dings?
How deep are the scratches? Can you feel them when you run your finger nail across it? If you can feel them then you'll have to color sand the scratches. If you can't feel them scratches then you can using some fine rubbing compound to remove them. This will leave the paint kind of dull so you'll need to follow up with some polishing compound like Meguiar's ScratchX or something that will remove swirl marks. After that use some good wax like Meguiar's Tech Wax. Of course I use Meguiar's but use what ever brand you like it should work the same. I know 3M makes real good products.

Also, visit Meguiar's online here:

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