Smoking Laws What A......


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 16, 2005
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Smoking Laws What A bunch of :bsflag:

I am a smoker and live in NYC and I think the new laws suck. I even heard there are places in the US where you can't smoke outside at an open cafe/restaurant and even in some parks and even some restriction on your own home if you live in complex and some one complains. Now I could see if you were inside and it would bother someone but outside or in your home is just plain discrimination I think! Now thar NJ has past this law friends (also smokers) and I are pretty much out of bars to hang out in. What is next?
We have a "clean indoor air act" here in Columbus and it absolutely blows. Bars, restaurants, businesses, etc. It is a property rights issue if you ask me. If the owner of an establishment, whatever your business, it should be up to the owner if he/she wants to allow smoking, and the patrons of those businesses to decide if they want to patronize an establishment that allows smoking or not...not the government.
And what about cigar bars? It's ok to have them (because all the politicians like to smoke them Cubans we are ban from buying) and are exempt from the laws. Well i don't smoke cigars and don't care for they way some of them smell but NO it doesn't bother them to smell that right. People are complaining about the smell of cigarettes, but not the smell of cigars, which far much worse.

It just burns me up with this double standard crap!
I think there are 2 in town. I think you can smoke in the "Tobacco Stores" too, but why would you hang around a smoke shop to smoke indoors. It is a bunch of BS. We have a stupid beeootttcchh on our city council that is trying to make a name for herself. She started with smoking, then she went to gun owners...I hate her if you haven't picked that up. Charloletta Travares
Im a smoker. I wont go have dinner in the City (Chicago) anymore because of the same kind of BS law.
Joeychgo said:
Im a smoker. I wont go have dinner in the City (Chicago) anymore because of the same kind of BS law.

Hi Joeychgo

You must be very hungry by now!! :D


Ummm, I kinda like the idea of keepin you Hotties around a bit longer......smellin and tastin sexy.. not smokey.

Kinda curious Hotties - do you smoke in your car, if no, why not?

Hey Chris I'm in Reynoldsburg! You need to throw your Hottie pic up in the guys thread, it would be too sweet to run into ya and be able to recegonize a LVC member!!!

I'm not a smoker, but I believe new laws reduce freedom. This is baloney. If you guys want to kill yourselves over 40+ years by smoking, I say you have the right as Americans to do so.
MsM8tress said:
Kinda curious Hotties - do you smoke in your car, if no, why not?

Hey Chris I'm in Reynoldsburg! You need to throw your Hottie pic up in the guys thread, it would be too sweet to run into ya and be able to recegonize a LVC member!!!

Depends on how long i have to drive but yet i do smoke in my car and i had plenty of people tell me that it still smells like new (these were non-smokers that could smell smike a mile away)

My Pic is on my profile :)
fossten said:
I'm not a smoker, but I believe new laws reduce freedom. This is baloney. If you guys want to kill yourselves over 40+ years by smoking, I say you have the right as Americans to do so.

One problem is that Smokers are treated as if its simply our choice. Its really not. Smoking is just as much an addiction as any other drug. Believe me. Non smokers usually dont realize this, and think - "well why cant you just not smoke for thr 3 hours your at dinner?" -- It really doesnt work like that.
MsM8tress said:
Ummm, I kinda like the idea of keepin you Hotties around a bit longer......smellin and tastin sexy.. not smokey.

Kinda curious Hotties - do you smoke in your car, if no, why not?

Hey Chris I'm in Reynoldsburg! You need to throw your Hottie pic up in the guys thread, it would be too sweet to run into ya and be able to recegonize a LVC member!!!

I'll do that. Post a pic that is, not quit smoking. It is an addiction but it's also a mannerisim of defiance. The more people give me a hard time about it, the more it makes me want to smoke.
[quote=Joeychgo]-- It really doesnt work like that.[/quote]

He is right, I watched my grandma get both the veins in her neck replaced with metal flexable tubes, due to the blood crystalizing and blocking in them from smoking. Didn't matter, she still smoked after that. Then the cancer, uncontrollable, even with the new "targeted chemo pill", it was runniing rampid thru her, that along with the inability to breath finally got her. Funny thing is my grandpa smoked too, but he quit. Grandma tried and tried, but was not able to.

Have you ever seen that old Twilight Zone episode where the guy goes to get cured, they take stuff from him every time he is caught smoking and put it into a chamber where the floor electracutes them to death, first it was his cat, he tries to stop and fails, then his dog, again fails, then his kid, again fails, then his wife, again fails, then him....finally quit smoking after they turned off the juice. 30-40 years ago they recegonized the addiction....

The thing that really sucks is we all pay for it, insurance rates keep going up and up.

I smoked Marlboro reds for 15 years, and by the grace of God, and only His grace, I have not smoked in 8-9 years.

JoeyGood, your profile is hot, but ya got to be a HOTTIE!!! Go and check everyone out, it's really cool and TOTALLY HOT!!!

The restaraunts down here have to have an enclosed smoking room with a seperate air system or the state health dept. will shut them down, until they have that in place, I haven't smoked cigarettes in over 25 years.
I am pretty sure my right to life exceeds your right to smoke.

Second hand smoke is more deadly than smoking directly.

I am physically allergic to some element of cigarette doctor has ever been able to pinpoint what, but it is more severe than a reaction to smoke inhalation. I have had to avoid smoking places for most of my life, or suffer with symptoms such as migraines, vomiting, and blurred vision.

I agree it shouldn't be a law, but non smoking establishments should be more common, and should not contain a "smoking section".
raVeneyes said:
I agree it shouldn't be a law, but non smoking establishments should be more common, and should not contain a "smoking section".

I feel for you and your condition but to say they shouldn't have a smoking section is just plain RUDE and INCONSIDERATE. If the room is sectioned off then it shouldn't bother you to stay in the section with out the smokers. I mean I wouldn’t mind going in to a sectioned off room to smoke. It’s your choice to go or not go into any place with smokers just as much as it is my choice but to cut us off completely from a place is just plain discrimination.
JoeyGood said:
It’s your choice to go or not go into any place with smokers just as much as it is my choice but to cut us off completely from a place is just plain discrimination.
Actually it's not my choice to go or not to go in to a place with is a matter of my life and health. If I choose to go in to a place with smokers it is a it for a good reason or is risking my health.

Having a "smoking section" has always meant just a separate area that has ashtrays from the area that doesn't. The concept has been around longer than I've been alive, and yet it does nothing to help me breathe in an establishment that allows smoking. Smoking has affected my life and my livelihood because I've not been able to do things, or not been able to take certain jobs because they were in a smoking environment.

I'm surprised that those of you who are addicted to this drug are so opposed to protecting others from it! How many times have you seen a smoker siting mere inches from a young child nicotine rushing through the bloodstream of the little one without him or her ever having the choice of whether or not to smoke a cigarette?

Non smoking sections are a joke...
raVeneyes said:
I'm surprised that those of you who are addicted to this drug are so opposed to protecting others from it! Non smoking sections are a joke...

We are NOT opposed to anything of the sort! We just want to be treated fairly which would mean just as they tried in the past (but from what you said they failed which I can see how since you’re a rare form) accommodate you (meaning everyone else but you) they should try to accommodate us but in a better way where both parties would be satisfied. Don’t know exactly what part affects you the most from the smoke but most of it is carbon monoxide which comes out of you exhaust too for that matter and I don’t mean to sound rude but can you go to the track and breath fine outdoors? If yes then why ban us from outdoor cafes/restaurants?
Joeychgo said:
One problem is that Smokers are treated as if its simply our choice. Its really not. Smoking is just as much an addiction as any other drug. Believe me. Non smokers usually dont realize this, and think - "well why cant you just not smoke for thr 3 hours your at dinner?" -- It really doesnt work like that.

Joey, no disrespect but I believe that is a total crock of sh1t. It was your choice to start smoking and it is your choice to continue to keep smoking whether you classify it as an addiction or not.

Others can, will, and have quit so I think it is a cop out to say that it is an addiction that is not a persons choice. Not only is it their choice, when smokers choose to smoke but they also make my clothes smell like :q:q:q:q after I come back from the bar; not to mention shorten my life. Sorry, but I don't go for that. You may think of it as an infringement of your rights. To a degree you are right, but your previous right to smoke anywhere you wanted infringed on non-smokers right to not smell like sh1t and live longer. It is a give and take. While I do believe that some places are taking the bans a little too far, I do think it is high time that at least something be done to regulate it. :cool:

I may get flamed for this, but I don't mind. :D
JoeyGood said:
Don’t know exactly what part affects you the most from the smoke but most of it is carbon monoxide which comes out of you exhaust too for that matter and I don’t mean to sound rude but can you go to the track and breath fine outdoors?
I don't think of that as rude...I don't know what exactly from it affects me the most either...doctors for that matter haven't been able to track it down to a single component because many of the things that they *would* test are carcinogens, so they're a little hesitant to find out exactly what it is that bothers me.

I'm not asthmatic, and I don't have a really difficult time *breathing* in smoke filled situations, it's just the other side effects I mentioned (which I'm told aren't as rare as one might think, just usually blamed on something else).

I don't know what the right answer is either, but obviously it's not really one of those situations where speaking with one's dollars works 100% effectively...particularly since it is an addictive drug...
Part of the reason this 'crackdown' on smoking is happening is that we've degraded from the old days of common courtesy.

Any of you remember the old days where somebody's smoking and somebody else politely asks them to put it out? They said, "Sure thing, pal."

Nowadays, same situation, they say, "F*** you."

Hence the crackdown.

I agree with Raveneyes about the infringing on others' rights, but when you start legislating, it's a slippery slope that only escalates into fewer freedoms in lots of ways.

My city just passed an ordinance requiring restaurants to either change their ventilation systems or eliminate smoking. Most restaurants can't comply with the new regulations without considerable expense, so they are converting to nonsmoking. While I as a nonsmoker enjoy the benefit, I worry that this slippery slope will begin to erode away other rights that we have that might directly affect me.
fossten said:
Any of you remember the old days where somebody's smoking and somebody else politely asks them to put it out? They said, "Sure thing, pal."

Nowadays, same situation, they say, "F*** you."

Hence the crackdown.

I remember, but, I also remember when someone wanted you to put your cigarette out, they asked you politely instead of walking by and doing a fake gaging cough as a gesture for you to put your cigarette out.

What ever happened to "the tyranny of the majority shall not undermine the rights of the minority."?

I have been saying this for years.
If all smokers were one color, one religion, one sex or one sexual orientation, nobody would bother us.
Wow, you Hotties are bringing up many valid points both pro and con....cig smokin is an addicition, so is alcoholism, so should we allow drunk driving?

When it comes down to it, smokers know it is not good for them, non-smokers know it is not good for them.

Just don't smoke, and if you do smoke, break the addiction, it can be done. I walked, ran, did sit ups. A lot of sex, a whole lot of sex, cause what do you do after you have sex? smoke!, so just don't quit havinig sex!


A few things that do PEEEVE me are:

Smokers get unlimited breaks at work, I don't smoke, I get no break...your GOV'T tax dollars at work there, yup your paying poeple 35.00 an hour to smoke cigarettes.

Oh yeah, then your paying their health bills too - weather it be a cold, dental, or whatever, we all pay the price for effects of smoking - once again tapping your $$$ to support that addiction.

oh yeah the redneck holding his 1 yr old with a cig dangling from mouth..dahhh

and if one more A55WIPE flips their cig on my car, I'm kickin their butt. The last one got a hotboxed cigar in their window (had a "its a boy" in the glove box, sorry nephew.....had to)

fossten said:
Part of the reason this 'crackdown' on smoking is happening is that we've degraded from the old days of common courtesy.

Any of you remember the old days where somebody's smoking and somebody else politely asks them to put it out? They said, "Sure thing, pal."

Nowadays, same situation, they say, "F*** you."

Hence the crackdown.

I agree with Raveneyes about the infringing on others' rights, but when you start legislating, it's a slippery slope that only escalates into fewer freedoms in lots of ways.

My city just passed an ordinance requiring restaurants to either change their ventilation systems or eliminate smoking. Most restaurants can't comply with the new regulations without considerable expense, so they are converting to nonsmoking. While I as a nonsmoker enjoy the benefit, I worry that this slippery slope will begin to erode away other rights that we have that might directly affect me.

Damn good point.

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