so I hear this loud pop...


LVC Member
Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
Ann Arbor


Anyone else have a failure here?

I was fiddling with it about a week ago. It had always looked a little bubbly since I bought it, so I followed the bleeding procedure I've seen linked here just to be on the safe side. Could be the dealer replacement not being the motorcraft variant, but I'm leaning towards my own stupidity.

Glad it failed there at least, lol

There's nothing you could have done to cause this, unless you sawed on the bottle.
That's a manufacturing defect, unless that's a Dorman bottle.

There are lots of degas bottle failures, but that's the first one that I know of that failed that way.
No kidding, first ever posted that I've seen with a complete seam split like that.
Could actually be fixed easily enough if it split evenly like that all around. (looks like)

Either that or undo some layers in PHOTOSHOP !!!! :p
wow, never seen one split in half before...

fukcing crazy

I surely would'nt try to repair it, with a manufacturing defect that bad, who knows how else it may fail. just replace it.
wow, never seen one split in half before...

fukcing crazy

I surely would'nt try to repair it, with a manufacturing defect that bad, who knows how else it may fail. just replace it.

I believe that he just bought this LS with some sort of warranty.
Good memory. It is under warranty, but I'd really like to drive it around up north this weekend. The cheaper dorman might have to go in for now...over JB and a prayer or $250 for the real one from the local dealership.
Good memory. It is under warranty, but I'd really like to drive it around up north this weekend. The cheaper dorman might have to go in for now...over JB and a prayer or $250 for the real one from the local dealership.

$250? The dealership by me charged me $150... Is the $250 including labor?

Part in question. It's probably cleanly split 3/4 of the way around.

Had a nice little oil leak surprise when i got under it today too. Pretty sure it was from around the filter. I recently did a change and the original was on there incredibly tight. I probably weaksauced it, not wanting to go through that removal again. I really hope the two incidents aren't related and something is wrong with the cooler =X
Good memory. It is under warranty, but I'd really like to drive it around up north this weekend. The cheaper dorman might have to go in for now...over JB and a prayer or $250 for the real one from the local dealership.

well the JB weld would be the worse plan... followed up by the dorman as a close second. if you want to ignore all of the people who have had one and it just fails, then i guess go ahead

more importantly, if its under warranty, why would you do anything other than take it to them to have it fixed?

I would take in the price quote from tasca in to that dealer (or another, i mean there ain't no shortage of ford dealers around the D), tell them if tasca can sell it at that price and make money, so can you... so would you either like to make some money today or lose a customer forever... then see what they say.
well the JB weld would be the worse plan... followed up by the dorman as a close second. if you want to ignore all of the people who have had one and it just fails, then i guess go ahead

more importantly, if its under warranty, why would you do anything other than take it to them to have it fixed?

I would take in the price quote from tasca in to that dealer (or another, i mean there ain't no shortage of ford dealers around the D), tell them if tasca can sell it at that price and make money, so can you... so would you either like to make some money today or lose a customer forever... then see what they say.

Yeah, the JB weld was mostly a joke. But I like the suggestion about taking the tasca quote to a few dealers, I should try that.

My thought process was to just spend the $75 on the dorman for the weekend trip. I've read the warnings on its failures; but it shouldn't be out of line to think it will last at least that long. Its an easy enough replacement and I called around, of course no shop could have it done in time. Moot point, becuase I also found out it wasn't covered by my warranty.

Of course you're welcome to drop by and say 'whats up' or 'I told you so' ...I'm actually in AA =)
(Is that your LS I always see parked over on N. Maple and Miller area?)
My doorman replacement lasted at least 90,000 miles (and I honestly suspect its failure to be induced by the dealership bending the return barb while working in that area). That's on par or better than the motorcraft one. I was in a pinch so I put another doorman in to get going again. Hopefully my luck continues.
its not that I ever want to say "I told you so" to anyone, its just I dont want to see anybody get burned by sub par parts... there have been a lucky few that has seemed not to have any problems. but there has also been a lot of people who have had dormans either go bad very quick or right out of the box..

lol, nope, not my car, I'm rarely that far north in town...

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