So my bass took a vacation and then came back yesterday


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM
I have a stock JBL sound system with the stock single din CD player in my 94.

So I was listening to some Run DMC, and I noticed I didn't have much bass at all compaired to normal. I turned the bass up all the way, and it didn't seem to do much. I was pretty pissed, because with no bass Run DMC doesn't sound very good.

A few hours later I get back in the car and with the same CD, the bass had returned! Since the bass level was maxxed out, it was distorting a bit and rattling some interior parts so I turned it down. But it was like I had a installed a crossover that only allowed things in the KHz range through, the bass vanished, then it went back to normal.

Any idea what the hell happened?
my stereo used to do that. only, all the sound would fade in and out. it was very frustrating. we never did anything about it but we figured it was a wire
Well it was fine yesterday and today. My amp better not be dying, I just spent my car money on a nitrous kit, I don't want to have to buy an amp. If it does die, I guess I'll be putting a car PC in it sooner than I thought.
Well apparently I jinxed myself since it decided to take another vacation tonight, then it came back maybe half an hour into my drive. Seems like it might be related to the cold. Oh well.
It was the amp on my 95 - but I had the disk changer in the trunk, not the single.
It seemed to get worse if let the car sit for long periods. Sometimes slamming the door made it pop back on so I thought it was the wire. Luckily for me the car was still under warranty. Lincoln had a heck of time getting the correct amp, as I had the factory phone and apparently it runs through the amp too.

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