So, now my Mark VIII was nearly stolen


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 7, 2005
Reaction score
New York, New York
Yeap. Some son of a bitch smashed in my window last night. The brake boot ad the alarm must have discouraged them, because they never even opened the door.

So, now I got a smashed window too. Oh well, I guess they replace that with the rest of the entire driver's side of my car. :rolleyes:

I'm not really as pissed as I should be, because I least I still have the car. I didn't want to give them that satisfaction, even if my barge is :q:q:q:qed up anyway.

Also, I heard back fromt he adjuster, and for some odd reason, they are actually going to repair the car to the tune of $6200. Don't ask me why, but I'm not dissatisfied. I didn't want to have to junk it anyway. When a car is my car, it is MY CAR. I've never sold any car I have bought. I just keep them.
Oh, can someone point me to a fuse diagram? I want to pull my fuel injection and fuel pump fuses, and maybe a few others just in case those mother:q:q:q:qers come back. Thanks.
What year Mark? I only ask because insurance companies are so dirty that if they can get a dollar less from having to junk your car they will list it as a totoled vehicale.
Yea, I will need the correct year too so I can give you the correct fuse numbers that you are lookin for. I have a cd for EVERY year Mark just lemme know what year.:D
1998. They had initially said that they would probably junk it, but now they have decided to pay for its repairs.

I need a diagram of the underhood fuse box. Can you check your owners manual, or scan the page with the underhood fuse diagram, so I can find out which fuses are my fuel pump and fuel injection fuses?

I would prefer to be able to sleep tonight.
I would give you a diagram, but the CD is not like the DVD, as I can not generally copy/paste the pix that are on the CD as easily as you can from the DVD.

The fuse you are lookin for is number 16 for the fuel pump and it is a 20 amp maxi fuse.

Hope that helps.
No prob......lemme know if you need any more I said, I have a CD for every year Mark VIII......just may take some time to find certain things......;)
Look at the sticky at the top, you can download the CD's for free.
run a swirch for the fuel pump, that why you dont have to pull a fuse everytime
MarkOfDeath said:
run a swirch for the fuel pump, that why you dont have to pull a fuse everytime

Not necessary. I already have kill switches, and my alarm has automatic disabling if it goes off, but with no window, I can't activate my motion sensor, so any bastard can just slide in through my window and take his time figuring things out.

However, if they pop the hood, remote disabling will kill the car, so even if he had the right fuse and put it in, the car would be screwed at that point anyway.

This won't be an issue once I get back to the city anyway. I have a private garage near the subway that I keep my car in.
Quick thought?

If they are going to give you $6200 for you car for it to get fixed. Think about taking the cash, and selling the car as is or stripping what is salvageable. You might get enough for a different Mark VIII.

Just a thought.

I did this with my 94 Mark VIII now owned by Scott9050... I paid $2500 for the car they gave me $2500 for it to get fixed after I hit a deer. I gave Scott a great deal on it. Then bought my 95 and had money left over to fly to SC to get the car, drive it home and still has some left over.

Only bad thing LOL... Scott is having too much fun with that 94... Maybe I should have fixed it. Love ya Scott... LOL... Really glad this whole thing worked out for both of us. I love my 95. It's a great car, and I know how you are feeling about that 94... How's the training coming for this springs record breaking run?
Nope. I do NOT get rid of my cars unless absolutely necessary. The guy who will be repairing my car is an absolute professional. I have seen his work. He approaches all body repairs as a restoration of the vehicle. He seperates and repairs everything at the factory welds, he applies paint and factory anticorrosive to both sides of every panel, he re-applies all undercoatings, etc etc etc. He also does high end restoration jobs too, which explains his fanatacism with doing a detailed job.

He costs twice as much as Maaco or any other so-called "body shop". There is an exotic car collector near him who has used him to do work on $2 million vehicles. I trust him to make my Mark VIII better than new.
mespock said:
How's the training coming for this springs record breaking run?

I've given up on that quest, someone else claims to have run a 14.5 at 99.

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