mespock said:
I don't know they seem pretty down the middle to me.... They don't care who's messing up they just report it...
Right now there are a few key figures messing up right now.
Wow. Talk about clueless...
Here, mespock, read this. It's bite-size and spoon-fed just for you.
Al Franken's Rerun Rove and Libby Execution Remark Draws Laughter From Lauer
Posted by Geoffrey Dickens on October 25, 2005 - 11:45.
On Today, at 8:52am Al Franken was on to promote his new book The Truth and repeated his twisted joke from Friday's Letterman in which he predicted that Rove and Libby will be executed for treason. Franken's "joke," drew laughter from Matt Lauer and the rest of the Today show studio. The following is just a portion of this morning's interview:
Matt Lauer: "All right, Karl Rove and Scooter Libby what’s their future? What’s your prediction in terms of indictments? Yes or no?"
Franken: "Oh they, they’ll be indicted. I, I am absolutely sure and this is about, of course, the war in Iraq really. It’s about the justification for the war and smearing Joe Wilson by outing his wife who’s a CIA agent. George H.W. Bush, the President’s father, said, as, when he was head of the CIA, that outing a CIA agent is treason. I, I agree. So I think that Rove and Libby will be executed." Lauer laughed along with those in the studio.
I'll bet if anyone had been calling for the execution of Henry Cisneros or Webster Hubbell or Sandy Burglar there would have been a media outrage.