So What Side is the Wall Street Journal?


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
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Madison, Wisconsin, United States
I'm just wondering what is political sector opinion of the Wall Street Journal.

Do you see it as a Right Wing more Conservative Paper?

A Left Wing Liberal Paper?

Or a Down the Middle no opinion paper?
It's simple with the constant claim that the media is left wing or liberal I am wondering what this forum's opinion is of the Wall Street Journal...

Is it Conservative or Liberal... Left wing or Right wing...
Rich, please don't tell me you are reading the Wall Street Journal? I would think the Washington Post or New York Times would be more your speed.

A: Leans right.
I would think that a financial newspaper would lean slightly right. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. Again, it's the extremes on both sides that I have a problem with.
barry2952 said:
I would think that a financial newspaper would lean slightly right. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. Again, it's the extremes on both sides that I have a problem with.

Wow. Then you must REALLY hate the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Associated Press, Reuters, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC,, and the Today Show!
fossten said:
Wow. Then you must REALLY hate the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Associated Press, Reuters, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC,, and the Today Show!

I don't know they seem pretty down the middle to me.... They don't care who's messing up they just report it...

Right now there are a few key figures messing up right now.
mespock said:
I don't know they seem pretty down the middle to me.... They don't care who's messing up they just report it...

Right now there are a few key figures messing up right now.

Wow. Talk about clueless...

Here, mespock, read this. It's bite-size and spoon-fed just for you.

Al Franken's Rerun Rove and Libby Execution Remark Draws Laughter From Lauer
Posted by Geoffrey Dickens on October 25, 2005 - 11:45.

On Today, at 8:52am Al Franken was on to promote his new book The Truth and repeated his twisted joke from Friday's Letterman in which he predicted that Rove and Libby will be executed for treason. Franken's "joke," drew laughter from Matt Lauer and the rest of the Today show studio. The following is just a portion of this morning's interview:

Matt Lauer: "All right, Karl Rove and Scooter Libby what’s their future? What’s your prediction in terms of indictments? Yes or no?"

Franken: "Oh they, they’ll be indicted. I, I am absolutely sure and this is about, of course, the war in Iraq really. It’s about the justification for the war and smearing Joe Wilson by outing his wife who’s a CIA agent. George H.W. Bush, the President’s father, said, as, when he was head of the CIA, that outing a CIA agent is treason. I, I agree. So I think that Rove and Libby will be executed." Lauer laughed along with those in the studio.

I'll bet if anyone had been calling for the execution of Henry Cisneros or Webster Hubbell or Sandy Burglar there would have been a media outrage.
How about this, mespock? How come Cindy Sheehan got 100% MSM coverage for her bogus antiwar protest, but Willey and Broaddrick get 0% coverage? That's right, 0% MSM coverage!!!

Candice E. Jackson, Esq. JACKSON & SHOEMAKER, INC. A Professional Law Corporation 1411 Fifth St., Suite 400 Santa Monica, CA 90401 Tel. (310) 917-2621 Fax (310) 917-2622

Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick to Tour Clinton Library

Women assaulted by former president to visit library to raise awareness of treatment of women and challenge Bill and Hillary Clinton’s carefully sculpted legacy.

Los Angeles, CA (October 12, 2005) – Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey will visit the William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum later this month to draw attention to the former president’s treatment of women. They will be accompanied on the tour by attorney and author Candice E. Jackson.

Broaddrick and Willey have both accused Clinton of assaulting them. Broaddrick alleges that then-Governor Clinton raped her during a conference in Little Rock in 1978, and Willey says that Clinton sexually assaulted her when she worked in the White House in 1993. Both also charge that Clinton’s inner circle—including wife Hillary Rodham Clinton—subsequently attempted to pressure and intimidate them into silence.

“Juanita, Kathleen, and I will be touring the Clinton Library to see firsthand how it portrays Bill and Hillary Clinton’s treatment of women,” says Jackson, an outspoken feminist and author of “Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine” (World Ahead Publishing; hardcover $25.95; ISBN 0974670138). “The Clintons have crafted a public image of supporting women’s rights, and yet they have both used their power to intimidate and attack women whom they viewed as politically inconvenient.”

Willey claims she was subjected to a series of physical and verbal threats intended to pressure her to keep the assault in the Oval Office secret, and Broaddrick says three weeks after being raped she was approached at an event by a forceful Hillary who thanked her for “everything that you do” for Bill. Jackson notes that many other women have also reported similar treatment at the hands of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Broaddrick, Willey, and Jackson plan to visit the Clinton Library on October 26.
fossten said:
she was approached at an event by a forceful Hillary who thanked her for “everything that you do” for Bill.
Sounds like Hillary, doesn't it?

Hillary (deep thinking): At least if you blow him I won't have to.

Hillary (other thoughts): Of course, he has to rape me to have sex with me too. I know how you feel dear.

Why is there even an argument regarding the MSM? It is sooooo far to left. Just turn on CNN. They are panting and salivating all over themselves on the Rove/Libby/Cheney thing. They are gleeful.
MonsterMark said:
Sounds like Hillary, doesn't it?

Hillary (deep thinking): At least if you blow him I won't have to.

Hillary (other thoughts): Of course, he has to rape me to have sex with me too. I know how you feel dear.

Why is there even an argument regarding the MSM? It is sooooo far to left. Just turn on CNN. They are panting and salivating all over themselves on the Rove/Libby/Cheney thing. They are gleeful.

LOL - I was thinking that Bill takes his life into his own hands if he approaches her - he's likely to get impaled himself.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - For the first time, a majority of Americans believe the Iraq war was the "wrong thing to do", according to a poll published in The Wall Street Journal.

Fifty-three percent of those asked in the Harris Interactive survey felt that "taking military action against Iraq was the... wrong thing to do", against 34 percent who thought it was correct, the newspaper said.

The percentage of people opposing the US-led invasion of the country in March 2003 was up from a figure of 49 percent in a parallel poll in September, rising above 50 percent for the first time since the surveys began.

A year before, in September 2004, both sides were even at 43 percent.

The latest poll also found that 66 percent of Americans believed President George W. Bush was doing a "poor" or "only fair" job of handling Iraq, against 32 percent who deemed it "excellent" or "pretty good".

With the number of US military fatalities in Iraq approaching 2,000, 44 percent of those polled said the situation for US troops in Iraq was getting worse, compared to 19 percent who thought it was improving.

Sixty-one percent were not confident US policies in Iraq would succeed, two points higher than in September.

The poll asked the opinions of 1,833 people online from October 11-17.

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