Sold the LS, some items for sale...


LVC Member
Jan 4, 2008
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Kansas City
I had to sell the '02 LS, it had the starting problem and 3 different places in town (2 dealers couldnt fix it). Finally the last dealer told me they had about 5 come through and were never fixed. So I have my navigation and sound system for sale out of it. Replaced it with an '06 GMC Envoy. The stuff can be found here:
I'm curious, what was the starting problem you had that was unable to cure at the dealerships? I just solved a bad one that came out of nowhere on my Marauder, and was caused by a harness issue where the keyed start voltage was not being furnished to the start relay. I'm wondering what your symptoms were on the LS. Good luck with the Envoy, they are a nice truck.
Basically, it was if the car would sit for a while, it would be hard to start and crank for a while. Then a really strong exhaust smell. They did everything from upgrading the PCM. Cause I took it in during the winter time and they thought it was from the cold weather, to fuel pumps, to injectors. They could see there was a problem with it keeping the correct fuel pressure just couldnt ever fix it.
Sorry I didn't get my wiring harness until Saturday and just put it in this weekend. Did they ever tell you about the TSB that deals with installing a jumper wiring harness (milehighmikey is right on track with his post - wish I knew about this a while ago).

My Ford dealership tried telling me it was numerous other items. My Lincoln dealership (owned by the same person) told me about the TSB after they knew I had changed everything humanly possible that deals with starting issues and didn't have time to work on it. Fortunately the tech has known my father for many years and he is a good person and not trying to soak me.

I personally would be curious about this and keep an eye on the old LS car. I know what I would do....send in a friend in about 2-3 days when the car is about ready to go on the lot or before it goes to auction (if your area has a car auction like the one north of Pittsburgh). Have him look at it, get the keys, and see if it starts...get it warm...shut it off...wait 5 min. and then restart.

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