Soldiers and Civilians die on Memorial day

Your thread title states the obvious. People die every day, especially in war.

Your purpose for starting the thread, however, is insultingly unclear. Therefore, I must assume you meant it to be pejorative. As a veteran, I'm insulted by your effrontery. Memorial day is supposed to be a day when we appreciate the efforts of our armed forces, past and present. You have taken an opportunity to be critical.

Do you have a point to make, or are you just spouting anti-war talking points?
Uh, nothing of the kind there Mr. Jump the gun.

I was trying to post a memorial on memorial day and appreciate the efforts of all those who have died this year in their attempts to bring peace and protect America.
raVeneyes said:
Uh, nothing of the kind there Mr. Jump the gun.

I was trying to post a memorial on memorial day and appreciate the efforts of all those who have died this year in their attempts to bring peace and protect America.

Baloney, Mr. AntiWar. Your post stated NOTHING of the kind. Don't even try to backtrack from this.
fossten said:
Baloney, Mr. AntiWar. Your post stated NOTHING of the kind. Don't even try to backtrack from this.

That's how I read it too. *owned*

Pouring salt on the wound always helps.:Bang
Well just because you two jumped to the conclusion that I was making an anti war statement does not make it true. What about that post was anti war? If you can come up with an anti war quote from this post, then go ahead, otherwise STUFF IT

I think your title says enough.

edit: btw,

A baby died in its womb today.
A baby died in its crib.
A child drown in a pool today.
A teenager died in a car crash today.
A college student died form alcohol poisoning today.
A mother died from breast cancer today.
A dad died form a heart attack today.
A senoir citizen had a stroke and died today.

Get the message?
Soldiers and Civilians die on Memorial day <-? That is anti war??? HA! Only if your internal guilt over their deaths motivates you to say the war is unjustified.
Yes, I think the title was/is anti-war.

You would think that maybe, just maybe, on Memorial Day we could celebrate the sacrifices of those that have fallen for our freedom and not continue the anguish of knowing more have and will be dying in the future. A one day break is all we ask.
raVeneyes said:
Soldiers and Civilians die on Memorial day <-? That is anti war??? HA! Only if your internal guilt over their deaths motivates you to say the war is unjustified.

Your post/title was AMBIGUOUS at best. But we already know you to be a pacifistic, anti-war type person based upon your previous posts. Everything is taken into context. Furthermore, you didn't make a point to praise or even remember the fallen vets. It's fairly easy to come to the conclusion we came to, very difficult to come to the conclusion that you are now BACKTRACKING TO.

Admit it: You were trying to stir the pot, and now you're backtracking because none of your liberal buddies want to jump on your unpopular antiwar, anti-military, anti-America bandwagon.
fossten said:
Your post/title was AMBIGUOUS at best. But we already know you to be a pacifistic, anti-war type person based upon your previous posts. Everything is taken into context. Furthermore, you didn't make a point to praise or even remember the fallen vets. It's fairly easy to come to the conclusion we came to, very difficult to come to the conclusion that you are now BACKTRACKING TO.

Admit it: You were trying to stir the pot, and now you're backtracking because none of your liberal buddies want to jump on your unpopular antiwar, anti-military, anti-America bandwagon.

Glad to see fellow veterans standing up to this stupid crap being posted. I saw the anti-war angle (or at least disrespect of a holiday meant to honor fallen soldiers) of the post right when I read the title. It was the "and Civilians" part that clinched it. Give it up raVeneys, your busted. Don't try to punk out now. [edit]
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I heard somewhere that yesterday was a record day for murders and assaults in the United States.

Wasn't there a truck accident in Afganistan yesterday too? I also heard there were several dozen truck accidents in the US yesterday. Go figure.

I also believe we are more divided, left vs right, than almost any other democracy in the free world.
This is a bunch of bull sh!t

Since my return I've attempted to be a voice of impartiality and reason, offering facts and points of interest. It is you fossten, and you MonsterMark who have attempted (rather stupidly) to pigeonhole my comments by saying they are leftist or anti-american or anti-war, while everyone else has seen quite plainly the logic in my statements it is obvious you two have hatred blinders on.

I posted this on memorial day to offer a memorial to those still dying to defend our freedoms...those include civilian reporters and contractors who are attempting to make Iraq a better place, as well as our fine military personnel dying on foreign soil on this day of memorial to our fallen soldiers.

My family has a long history of serving this country in the military, and I have the utmost respect for the men and women of my family and my military family that made that sacrifice of time and life.

I despise the fact that I'm being drug over the coals for posting a news article in an attempt to bring attention to why we memorialize memorial day. Leave me alone you f-cking bastards!
MonsterMark said:
I also believe we are more divided, left vs right, than almost any other democracy in the free world.

That's a fact. How do you propose 'we' fix it?
raVeneyes said:
This is a bunch of bull sh!t

Don't let it get to you, you're the only one that truly knows what you meant by your post, so if people took it out of context, just roll with the punches. :)
95DevilleNS said:
you're the only one that truly knows what you meant by your post

Nobody but you, get it, Ravey? Enough said. Be more clear next time, Raveneyes, and quit your boo-hooing. At least nobody edited your posts. Get over it.
95DevilleNS said:
That's a fact. How do you propose 'we' fix it?

First of all, this will never get fixed while the Drive-by media continues to report skewed news intended to divide America. Secondly, the Democrats have to STOP their obstructionism (i.e. filibustering judges), their anti-war rhetoric (Murtha, Kerry), their character assassination (i.e. Alito), and their two-faced hypocritical accusations (culture of corruption).

Fat chance of those two things happening.

Case in point:

Reuters Employee Sends Death Threat
Posted by Greg Sheffield on May 30, 2006 - 08:49.

A Reuters employee expressed his/her frustration at a blog posting on Little Green Footballs entitled Swedish Muslims Demand Shari’a. The Reuters individual had found the LGF item from one of the comments posted underneath a Muslim essay praising the "Da Vinci Code" on the Guardian website.

Early yesterday morning at about 3:00 am on the West Coast, someone in Britain connected to the Internet and browsed over to this article at the Guardian by Inayat Bunglawala, media secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain: This code could open doors.

Bunglawala’s piece (about the Da Vinci Code) is in the section of the Guardian site where readers can comment, and someone posted a link to LGF as a rebuttal to Bunglawala. Our Swedish British visitor clicked that link, leading him/her/it to this post: Swedish Muslims Demand Shari’a.

At 3:23 am, this creature used our contact form to send the following email with the obviously phony Hotmail address ‘’ and the subject line, “You bunch of wankers.”

I look forward to the day when you pigs get your throats cut....

Well, isn’t that tolerant.

But this particular death threat is a bit different from the run of the mill hate mail we get around here, because an IP lookup on the sender reveals that he/she/it was using an account at none other than Reuters News: RIPE Whois Database:

Who's doing the dividing here?
raVeneyes said:
This is a bunch of bull sh!t

Since my return I've attempted to be a voice of impartiality and reason :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: , offering facts and points of interest. It is you fossten, and you MonsterMark who have attempted (rather stupidly) [yeah that's real impartial and reasonable] to pigeonhole my comments by saying they are leftist or anti-american or anti-war, while everyone else [so far nobody agrees with you] has seen quite plainly the logic in my statements it is obvious you two have hatred blinders on.

I posted this on memorial day to offer a memorial to those still dying to defend our freedoms...those include civilian reporters and contractors who are attempting to make Iraq a better place, as well as our fine military personnel dying on foreign soil on this day of memorial to our fallen soldiers. [BALONEY]

My family has a long history of serving this country in the military [really. What services, pray tell?] , and I have the utmost respect for the men and women of my family and my military family that made that sacrifice of time and life.

I despise the fact that I'm being drug over the coals for posting a news article in an attempt to bring attention to why we memorialize memorial day. Leave me alone you f-cking bastards!

"B-O-O, H-O-O."

- John Bender, The Breakfast Club
raVeneyes said:
I despise the fact that I'm being drug over the coals for posting a news article in an attempt to bring attention to why we memorialize memorial day.

Please explain the meaning of the title and maybe I can cut some slack.

Taking the title and the 2 sentences from the article YOU CHOSE to highlight, and I believe anybody with an unbiased viewpoint would have come to the same conclusion Fossten and I did.

Was there no better way to celebrate the sacifrices our fighting forces, and yes, civilians have made for all of us over the last 200 years?


Personally, I'm not trying to drag you over the coals on this. There are certainly plenty of other 'issues' in the past I would have loved to rake you over the coals on.:D

My opinion, the title and highlighted excerpt did nothing to promote the thought you were trying to convey.
fossten said:
What services pray tell?
My father's side of my family has been in the Army for several generations and my Grandfather served in WWII and Korea. My mother herself was in the army. My step-dad was in the Navy and served in Vietnam.
MonsterMark said:
Please explain the meaning of the title and maybe I can cut some slack.
There was no intended meaning behind the title. All it says is "Soldiers and Civilians die on Memorial day". It was only meant mater of factly, and had no bias in there...I can't even figure out how you would have made that biased...

The sentences I cut from the article were in an attempt to remove any bias that you and fossten may have felt about the article since it *is* a CNN article and does somewhat highlight the loss of life of the media personnel in the article.
MonsterMark said:
Taking the title and the 2 sentences from the article YOU CHOSE to highlight, and I believe anybody with an unbiased viewpoint would have come to the same conclusion Fossten and I did.

Are you claiming you and fossten have "unbiased viewpoints"??? ROTFLMAO. :bowrofl: :bowrofl: That's a good one.

Go back to the original post at the top. There is NOTHING THERE derogatory towards our vets. The FIRST HINT of something sour in this thread appears here (posted by guess who?):

fossten said:
Your purpose for starting the thread, however, is insultingly unclear. Therefore, I must assume you meant it to be pejorative. As a veteran, I'm insulted by your effrontery. Memorial day is supposed to be a day when we appreciate the efforts of our armed forces, past and present. You have taken an opportunity to be critical.

Once again, david siezes any and all opportunities to start some crap and tries pathetically to blame it on someone else.

Preach on, raVeneyes, you are on firm ground here.
95DevilleNS said:
Originally Posted by MonsterMark
I also believe we are more divided, left vs right, than almost any other democracy in the free world.

That's a fact. How do you propose 'we' fix it?

Just throw that on that other huge pile of BuSh failures, you won't even notice it then.

"I'm a uniter, not a divider" - GW BUll:q:q:q:q
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Once again, david siezes any and all opportunities to start some crap and tries pathetically to blame it on someone else.

Preach on, raVeneyes, you are on firm ground here.

Once again, Johnny conveniently leaves out the most critical part of my explanation, which is about the already established anti-war mentality behind the article's poster.

Nice try, Johnny. Fancy you calling me a hater. ROTFLMFAOADUILMC!
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Are you claiming you and fossten have "unbiased viewpoints"??? ROTFLMAO. :bowrofl: :bowrofl: That's a good one.

Preach on, raVeneyes, you are on firm ground here.

Unbiased??? Who isn't? Unbiased should be categorized as an oxymoron due to it never really existing. ;)

Johnny, I believe you to be wrong in assuming that raveneyes is on solid ground here. Though it still remains to be seen whether he truly meant to stir the pot by his thread title or not, the fact still is that the title rightfully looked like a sort of blasphemy against a holiday created to support our fallen troops, and them alone. We don't try to celebrate white history month while black history month is happening because that would be like stealing another mans thunder. Same with this too.

It was taken as if he was trying to put civilians on the front lines with the troops like they are just as important on this holiday. On THIS day they are not. It is Memorial Day for our troops not for our reporters and other media personnel that lost their lives over there. If people want to honor them someday then fine, but till then I don't believe that it be right to include media personnel's deaths into a holiday meant for my fellow soldiers whom have died in the line of duty. Sorry but there is a BIG difference between getting ORDERED to FIGHT in the war and dieing in the line of DUTY and simply going over there on YOUR DECISION and CARRYING a video camera around and then accidentally getting killed. One volunteered for the adventure while another was voluntold to go to war...

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