some crap i have been working on at work


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Palm Harbor FL
these are railings i have been prepping and rewelding any holes or pits in the welds. this is a $45,000 quoted job for a doctor in gulf port florida. some of these are pool railings, deck and balcony railings and stair case railings. this guy is a complete ass, he wants everything to look like it was never welded. so i get the fun job since none of the other guys at work can seem to understand what perfection means. i opened my big mouth and told my boss i know what it needs to look like, so now i am stuck doing it, i have been working on this crap for 3 weeks straight. i am almost done them they are getting trucked to ocala fl to get a special coating on them with a process like galvanizing. what a pain in the arse!!!! the weird design in some of the railings is the doctor's dentist logo i guess.
this is all aluminum railing and i'm using a spool gun on a mig welder to fill in any imperfections. check it out.

this is before i do anything..


this is after i do my thing..








few pics of inside the shop, its actually a very large shop, many different areas. the place is pretty old, was built in 1952 been in business since, on its 3rd owner! the new owner bill, my boss bought it 5 months ago and is cool as hell, awesome guy doesnt treat any of us like he is the boss.

yeah thats my problem, i wish i was a deaf dumb blind mute in a wheel chair so everyone could take care of me for once!
yeah thats my problem, i wish i was a deaf dumb blind mute in a wheel chair so everyone could take care of me for once!

Um... Chicken? (he likes an excuse to put up his favorite pic - Lol)

Yup, good work, Jamie!
this is what i should be doing anyway, i went to school for 4 years for welding, sheet metal and industrial metal fabrication, why i tear apart lincolns is beyond me!
not to brag but just to give you a piece of my past, the company that produces LENOX sawzall blades and many other types of bldes for that matter ( American Saw ), but if you go to home depot or where ever, and purchase LENOX sawzall blades, the company is in east longmeadow massachusetts, i am the one who built the machines inside there that paint the blades. the frames for the automated paint conveyors are all built by me when i worked for a company called Lymann sheetmetal. the machines run 24-7 and can dip 1000 blades at once into tubs of white paint. i think about them everytime i buy blades! ( Our ISO 9001-certified facility in East Longmeadow, Mass., boasts a 500,000 square ft., 11 acre space for designing, testing and manufacturing power tool accessories, hand tools, band saw blades, torches, solder and accessories. )
another big project i did was for a concrete company in northampton mass called valetine concrete, i made 4 concrete hoppers that fill their trucks daily, they were made from 1/4 inch steel sheets 4 x 12, the hoppers are all 12' x 12' square and 14' tall and reduce all the way down to 12" x 12" with a flap door that lets the concrete slurry run out of them into the trucks. they were so massive i spent 2 weeks outside building them in the parking lot because they wouldnt have fit through the door if i made them inside. i must have had 80 hours of straight mig welding alone on them. alot of people up north can thank me for heat in their house too i made over 100 boiler plenums for West Cast Boilers in westfield mass also. i have done alot of welding in my life and made some very cool things. Tubed Products, which is owned by McCormick, yes the spice company and many other things lol, 50% of the catwalks on their machines in the injected molding dept are all built by me too. somewhere i have a disc with pictures ofmany things i have made i'll see if i can dig it up this week.
Welding and fabrication is one of my favorite things to do... I've never done anything that big, but I've built a few cool things :D
thanks, in the end this job alone will be over 500 feet of railing. we also have a huge job coming up at the end of next month for MacDill air force base in tampa, its going to require us to work 12 hour days 6 days a week for about a month, can you say overtime!!!!!!!!!!
yup, this is what i am doing, again, i did this for many years then took 4 years off to basically screw off!!! reality slapped me in the face though so i had to go back to work rich.
the day will come, we have a huge job next month that will give me roughly 65 hours a week pay checks for about 4 weeks straight thats roughly about $3,100 for the month so most of it is getting hidden away towards another mark, but i'm not going to buy any old mark , it has to be the same as my 98 lsc or i wont buy one, i'll find it though, they are out there.
i can relate, after 35 yrs as a machinist being really good at your job and settling for NOTHING less than perfection is a "curse"
yup then i went to one of those churches where the pastor punched me in the head and i got up and walked again.
i keep that wig on my tool box at the shop, when it gets cold in there, i wear it, but i make sure the overhead doors are closed first. then i put in a cd of monster ballads of the 80's and rock out, YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!
yours will be done this weekend kevin, i finally got all 4 pairs of customers done and shipped so now i can work on that pair for you. this weekend i'll have them done and should have them packed , i'll have my wife send them out for me. i'll keep you posted, if your lucky lol!

i ran into a nice 80 dollar expense on the last pair i just finished, 3/4's thru the second headlight lense cutting my fathers dremmel blew up in my hand, and i'm not joking when i say it blew up, pieces shot out of the case and 2 foot flame blew out the side and a cloud of the smelliest electrical smoke ever came out of it. so i went and bought the mother of all dremmel's with a huge carry box full of every single piece dremmel makes for those things!! the new one is dead silent and cuts like a hot knife thru butter instantly!!!!
i can just imagine what your house looks like, but then again those are probably expensive as ell even to make
Dremel Grenades

We should drop tons of these on Iraq for the terorists to pick up on the street. What happens to one of those idiots when they blow off the hand they eat with? Cause they use one to eat and one to wipe with and the two are never supposed to get confused. Funny as hell- maybe he'd have to eat Sh*t with that hand since he's only got one left.
Hope you didn't get hurt.
Thanks for the update.
One of my buds bought the cordless Dremels and really likes it.

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