Some Gen II Questions.


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Spring, Texas, United States
Ok, I picked up my Mark yesterday, and I started cleaning the interior and noticed some things that I didn't pick up on earlier.

1. When I open the drivers side door, the dome light dosen't come on. It does when I open the passenger side.

2. The passenger side door lock does not lock. I can hear the acuator, but it does not move up or down. When I use the key it does not do anything either.

Has any of you Gen II owners experience any of these problems?
wd-40 the hell outta the door.. i think theirs a button in their that will stick... it also may cause your (right door adjar) to come on
GMAN said:
Ok, I picked up my Mark yesterday, and I started cleaning the interior and noticed some things that I didn't pick up on earlier.

1. When I open the drivers side door, the dome light dosen't come on. It does when I open the passenger side.

2. The passenger side door lock does not lock. I can hear the actuator, but it does not move up or down. When I use the key it does not do anything either.

Has any of you Gen II owners experience any of these problems?

1) WD40 as above - 80% of the time fixes otherwise maybe the door jamb switch is faulty.
2) The rod appears to have come off either the actuator or the lock or both. You will have to remove the door panel to see. They use little clips to attach and can pop off. I put a little electrical tape around the clip and rod to keep from happening again - if this is the case,
haha gen two..

blend door
door handle
"driver door ajar" about 80% of the time (yes, after oiling, WDing, everything)
drivers seat doesnt move forward/back
gas door wont pop open from button inside, have to use lever in trunk
headlights come on by themselves

i'll think of a few others :D good thing is there are a lot of very helpful people on here that can help me through most of the problems, or i would have sold it 2 years ago :D
Ok, I am totally stumpped :mad: . Something in the door mechanism is not activating the dome light when I open the driver side door. Kind of frustrating. I have to open the passenger in order to turn off the radio after I turn off the engine. Has anyone found a fix for this? Spraying WD40 ind the latch didn't do a thing.
The door jamb switch maybe bad or if you are lucky just the connector came off. Common part and cheap too.
Awhh,that Sucks...some Of Thos Things U Mentioned Buddy Happend On My 89 Lsc! Yup,changed The Accuator,and Wd'd Everything..after That Everything Good..ehh Wd'd My 98 A Couple Of Times..but I Know Im Gonna Be Due Soon,just Think..winters Commin..prep The Car Now! ;)
Awhh,that Sucks...some Of Thos Things U Mentioned Buddy Happend On My 89 Lsc! Yup,changed The Accuator,and Wd'd Everything..after That Everything Good..ehh Wd'd My 98 A Couple Of Times..but I Know Im Gonna Be Due Soon,just Think..winters Commin..prep The Car Now! ;)

I bought the switches from Max this week. I checked with Lincoln, they were going to charge me $200 to do the job. Figured I may as well try it myself.

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