Someone Hire Ray!!!

where does he live, what does he do....wait, if he got a job who would keep this site moving, Rich! Dream on Rich.....nice try! :N
mespock said:
Ray needs to get a job look how many Threads started by him today!! What's the record for most threads in a day

I Said this after he tore apart the individual mods Geno made to that Z06 in the Art Forum... He was right on the money too... LOL

Your a wildman Ray... What happened with that Opportunity in Harrisburg?
mespock said:
Ray needs to get a job look how many Threads started by him today!! What's the record for most threads in a day
You have NO idea how bored I get at times. I had a goal of 2000+ overall posts total for the day, and I reached my goal. I had been up since 3PM yesterday, and I finally went to be at 2PM today....and I JUST woke up.

Jibit said:
where does he live, what does he do....wait, if he got a job who would keep this site moving, Rich! Dream on Rich.....nice try!
I live in Pittsburgh, and I am an Electronix Technician. I have worked at Intel, and a Nuclear Power Plant....oh and some B.S. job inbetween since getting out of the Navy (as a Missile Technician on nuclear subs) back in 1995.

Jamler3 said:
I Said this after he tore apart the individual mods Geno made to that Z06 in the Art Forum... He was right on the money too... LOL

Your a wildman Ray... What happened with that Opportunity in Harrisburg?
As for the opportunity in is still there, they are looking for someone a lil closer than what I am. Unless they do not find someone qualified enuf, it is still possible.

That photoshop stuff is easy to me actually. I have a keen eye for that kind of stuff....especially when I have the starting picture to work with. Every one Geno has posted like that on any board I was able to get it up to 99% correct. That is why I waited a day or two before I picked it apart.....figured I would give someone else a chance.

FreeFaller said:
I think he started more threads today than I have posts...
Sorry Steve.....I have PLENTY of time as you can see.
I think he's wasting bandwidth and making it hard to follow the forums. SOme of them are funny though.

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