someone please sell me some Angel Eyes


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
Minneapolis/St. Paul
hello, i really want to try a pair of those angel eyes in my car. does anybody have some that they would like to sell? I have seen that guy on eBay selling but I would rather not buy them there for reasons. And I do not know when Ken [LsKoncepts] will have more in. I have seen the instructions for making them myself, but believe me I have no skill in building stuff and I am not afraid to admit that. I would rather just buy them and install quickly. Well if anyone can help me that would be awesome.
If you have the headlights I can install the angel eyes. The only reason I don't have them in stock is that I'm out of headlights. The last few batches of headlights I have gotten in were junk and I don't know when I'll be getting any good sets in. However, I can install them in a set of your headlights if you are interested. I even have the clear turn signal lenses I can put them too.
yea I want 'em too, but may not have the car much longer but I'm sure that'd help it sell more. I was about to order some from Ken but he was sold out :(. How long and how much would it take to get 'em back Ken?
And to think.... I have a set of headlights sitting in my attic, collecting dust with the Gen I LED angel eyes in them...........
mholhut said:
And to think.... I have a set of headlights sitting in my attic, collecting dust with the Gen I LED angel eyes in them...........

Are you kidding, do really have a set ive been wanting a set also just cant find the time to take mine out and send them to Ken so he could install them.
Yep. They're not brand-new, they were the original set on the car. I was saving them to reinstall in the car if/when I traded it in, but I'm gonna be stuck with them for a while. I'll have to dig them out to see what kind of shape they are in. I did say that they had the 1st gen LED angel eyes in them, right?
mholhut said:
Yep. They're not brand-new, they were the original set on the car. I was saving them to reinstall in the car if/when I traded it in, but I'm gonna be stuck with them for a while. I'll have to dig them out to see what kind of shape they are in. I did say that they had the 1st gen LED angel eyes in them, right?

Yep you did say that, whats the difference between those and the new ones.
SilverLS said:
how bright they are.....If you look on ebay they have picture of the two side be side....CCFL are way brighter but cost MORE!!!!

Do you have link to some on ebay i might beable to take a look at.
Beamer said:
yea I want 'em too, but may not have the car much longer but I'm sure that'd help it sell more. I was about to order some from Ken but he was sold out :(. How long and how much would it take to get 'em back Ken?
Typical turn around is 3-5 business days. It all depends on how many headlights I have to do. Pricing ususally starts at $185 and you can add items like pre-wiring and clear turn signal lenses to the mix.
Yeah, I had the LED's for about 4 months and they were great... but I saw Ken's CCFL's and wet myself... so these went into storeage. If they're still decent enough, someone could use them for a CCFL upgrade. I might have to clean the clear pastic and buff 'em out a bit.
mholhut said:
Yeah, I had the LED's for about 4 months and they were great... but I saw Ken's CCFL's and wet myself... so these went into storeage. If they're still decent enough, someone could use them for a CCFL upgrade. I might have to clean the clear pastic and buff 'em out a bit.
So what are those worth to ya,if indeed your looking to get rid of them i want angeleyes bad, i just cant be without my car while Ken does the install LMK.
hey Ken, you see that is the problem my headlights are brand new and have the black sealant so i cannot take them apart.
John, you know my headlights had black sealants too, but the guy who did my lights, he used a dremel and cut them open, then put 4 little scrues and sealed em back together.

jk52781 said:
hey Ken, you see that is the problem my headlights are brand new and have the black sealant so i cannot take them apart.
HyeLifeLS said:
John, you know my headlights had black sealants too, but the guy who did my lights, he used a dremel and cut them open, then put 4 little scrues and sealed em back together.
Yeah, I have been thinking of doing that since I can get brand new headlights for cheap but seems like a lot of work to do that. Have you had any problems with them leaking? Got some pics?
I don't have any pictures of it, actually the guy did kind of a nasty job on the sealant, it looks kind of messy.

I had a problem with fogging on my right headlight after he did em, but then I took it to him and he resealed it. now no problems, already a year passed(thanks God).

That was kind of a lot of work. The guy didn't know that I had the black seals when he gave he the price of $100, but when he finished after about 2 hours, he told me that if he knew he wouldn't even bother doing em or would charge me more money.

GrayGhost1 said:
Yeah, I have been thinking of doing that since I can get brand new headlights for cheap but seems like a lot of work to do that. Have you had any problems with them leaking? Got some pics?
mholhut said:
Yeah, I had the LED's for about 4 months and they were great... but I saw Ken's CCFL's and wet myself... so these went into storeage. If they're still decent enough, someone could use them for a CCFL upgrade. I might have to clean the clear pastic and buff 'em out a bit.

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