
Bought myself a manual 6 speed T56 transmission conversion for my 97 Camaro 383 stroker convertible and a Procharger LT1 supercharger kit set up for 12-14 psi.
Should be fun this spring :D :D :D
Also got a 9 ft slate billiard table and a ping pong table.
Bought the inlaws a 46" LCD TV.
Not sure on business, it a personal tool. It sure will help on the projects. No more using the friends welders:)
i got $2,600 bucks in cash ( sold my truck yesterday ) wife got me an mp3/video player for work, new watch, slow cooker from my parents, a nice pioneer stereo receiver for my shop from my pops, gave my wife cash for a new wardrobe, filled her tank to the rim, and we got the kids tons of toys, a new Wii and bought my daughter her own laptop so she will leave our computer alone!! not bad overall, i survived another year.

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