Sorry Sorry!


LVC Member
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry that i havend been here for so long!

After i moved from Kiel to Berlin, i cant go online till now...

:q:q:q:q off telekom <-- is our online and phone service in germany :Bang

i hope you all are not angry with me!

and also not about fact, that i selled my lincoln and bought a c4 corvette :steering


Best wishes and greetings from the very "HOT" Germany

It doesn't matter whether you have a Lincoln or Cadillilac on this site.

What matters is that you like stopping in and having a good time with a bunch of guys who do. :L or :C

For a moment I thought you were from Wisconsin when you said I moved from Kiel to Berlin as there is a Kiel, Wisconsin about 40 miles or less from Berlin, Wisconsin. LOL

You C4 looks nice and I bet it's fun to drive. Hope you stop in more often now that you are back on line. Share the fun, with us, about driving and being a car lover in Germany!! :wrench

Good to have you back on line and in the forums.
Thank you VERY MUCH!

Its funny that you have these names "kiel" and "Berlin" also in the states :zgreenbou

And yes, the c4 is great!

Its in a special white which is shinig in several colours when the sun shines on it, and the best is, the paintshop is original! It also have the red leather in it and the digi dash!

it have only 29000 km on it!!!!!!!!

It is from the roof to the tires in showroom condition!

I swear, when you buy a new corvette at store, it would not look better!

not even any crack at the wheels...

and yes its GREAT to drive it!

I will promise to be here more often!

Greetings Manni!




i wanted to post a view detail pics and better pics, but they are to big...


Hows life @ all?

Greetings Manni
Knight-Design said:

i wanted to post a view detail pics and better pics, but they are to big...


Hows life @ all?

Greetings Manni

Things are going good here! The site is growing like crazy!

We'll have to get you to fly to Las Vegas in November for the Big SEMA show. Going to be a bing :V meet for the show.

So save your Euros you have a few months to plan LOL. Thought I'd tease you with this thought.

Maybe in the future we can have an LvC meet in Germany so we all can go driving on the Autobahn.
THANK YOU ALL!!! :yourock:

I wish i could be there, but i think i cant :Bang :Bang

You all would love it to drive @ the autobahn :N

come and do it, it's not even so long time, till they put a speed limit on it!

It's a big discusion here in europe about an 80 km/h speed limit everywhere :Bang

Best wishes Manni :dj:
Knight-Design said:
THANK YOU ALL!!! :yourock:

I wish i could be there, but i think i cant :Bang :Bang

You all would love it to drive @ the autobahn :N

come and do it, it's not even so long time, till they put a speed limit on it!

It's a big discusion here in europe about an 80 km/h speed limit everywhere :Bang

Best wishes Manni :dj:

Ahhhhhh!!!! 80 kph Ahhhhh!! that's under 55 mph if I'm not mistaken. What will all those nice Eurpean cars do! They need speed!!!
yes, you're right!

they say it's for safety, but i say it's "BULLS.H.I.T"

I hope that it won't happen!

Best wishes Manni
I dont think that thinks have changed in germany, but in the other eu states, there are much problems with driving safe...

and when they decie something, it changes the thinks in whole europe...

i hope they forget it quick!

and yes, the interior looks not only clean, its better than new ;-)

I hope that anytime a meeting of lvc would be in germany!


Greetings Manni

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