Sound at high rpm when accelerating hard.

Austin Hull

LVC Member
Jan 14, 2015
Reaction score
Ok I'm not sure if its me being stupid but... If I accel hard and it hits like 4k+ rpms.
It gets really loud, like it doesn't sound like any of the videos I've seen.
Sounds wierd once it hits a certain point.
I'll get a video.
Any ideas?
What does it do at idle, any noise from the belt, may just be a noisy pulley or something.
What does it do at idle, any noise from the belt, may just be a noisy pulley or something.

Not much noise at idle sounds pretty good.

Though when I start it up now when its under 25 out there is a loud tink tink tink sound until it's heated up some coming from the front of the engine.

Other than that it sounds what i assume to be normal at idle and really sounds decent if you don't accel hard.

But if you step on it theres a loud whine that you can hear in the video at 4k+ rpms.

I'll check out the sounds at idle again.
I think I can barely hear what your talking about, but can't really tell what it could be. from here and with my computer speakers, it kinda sounds like a roots blower! but again, it really hard to hear...

a loud "tink tink tink" sound on startup? does the frequency of this sound increase with RPM like its something rotating with the engine? or is it more like a steady slow ticking that doesn't change with the motors speed, maybe like metal heating up and expanding?

if you have a 1st gen V8, I would be concerned with timing chain tensioners, wonder if a slightly loose or stretched chain would make a noise like that?
Its a 2005. I'll try to get a better sound. I'll check if the tink increases with rpm.
That sounds just like my car. I've been accused of having a blower a few times. I think my belt starts to slip at higher rpm. That combined with things like very dense cold air being sucked through the intake. I hear it more on cooler nights and mornings.

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