spark plugs


LVC Member
Nov 6, 2005
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I was planing on changing the spark the spark plugs on the 01 ls, what brand do you guys recomend, and is there any pics out there kinda like a step by step, I dont have a lot of $$ and was wondering If this can be done by an average Joe like me, what problems will I be running into, and is there anything else I should change while im in there tearing it apart :) thanks
v6 or v8??? That is going to make it easier for someone to helo you a search I know someone has posted the HOW TO on Changing spark plugs
The spark plugs in these things last FOREVER!! I've pulled out plugs that had 70,000 miles on them and looked great. Since there is no horsepower in spark plugs, why would you go with anything else than the factory recommended plug? Buy the Motorcraft's and be done with it.

By the way, if you are replacing the plugs that came from the factory, there will be a slightly different part number from one side to the other. The replacements will be all the same number. It's not an issue.
I put Denso iridium plugs in my LS V8 but they are $11.99 each at I really like them and other friends of mine have put them in there vehicles also and are really happy with them.
Spark Plugs are spark plugs are spark plugs.. You got going to get any more boom outta any "super" spark plug.. As 2001LS8Sport was saying, the horsepower isn't in the spark plug.

HOWEVER!! They don't last forever! A big problem people have been having is when they try to change them after 60 or 70K, the plugs were seized up and some have even broken them off. Changing them around every 50K is a good thing.

Over millions of times of igniting, common problems are becoming carbon, fuel, or oil fouling, Detonation damage, pre-ignition damage, etc..

Quik has some steps that are excellent.. If you have a V8. GREAT! it'll be A WHOLE HECK easier than if you have a V6.

Here's a quick link w/ pictures of what to look for on your spark plugs when you take them out.
I agree about the extended tuneup intervals.

My experience(Not with LS yet) with plugs is that after 50,000 miles they will do a couple things...

They will wear out, even the platimum ones. Or more common, they corrode into place and a are a beach to remove.

The Cadillac Northstar is supposedly notorious about plugs freezing in place at the 100,000 mile tune up. Many independent mechanics will not touch the plugs on these engines due to the possiblity of damage.

Aluminum and steel do not work well together, they will cause corrosion, which is what you see in aluminum heads with steel shell plugs.

Even my iron head Ford 460 has a terrible time with plugs if I leave them in longer than about 30,000 miles. I put antisieze on the threads, but still have trouble. This might be partially caused by the wet climate I lived in for the past 15 years or so. Now that the truck is in So Cal, maybe the problem won't recur.

I have had the best results with plugs that have a shiney metal or chrome finish, and I use antisieze and now change much more frequently than the manual tells me to.

Good Luck,

Jim Henderson
Spark Plugs are spark plugs are spark plugs..
I have to disagree I have run nitrous on a v6 s10 and with stock plugs and tunned ECU and MSD Ignition plug make a difference I switched them for a better plug and you can see, feel , hear a difference in the motor that would be like saying Oil is Oil is Oil ...... Not to get into it but there is a small difference in plugs Nothing major not saying your going to get 1WHP out of plugs but they do make a difference
I just got the step by step from Quick, thanks!!

Unfortunatley it seems like its gonna have to be done by a pro, Im afraid that this is something way out of my league, Im afraid after taking all that apard I will end up messing something up, do you guys know any good, reliable mechanics around the phoenix area, and what should I excpect the price to be?
I completely agree w/ the upgrade in spark plugs if your 1) running NOS 2)have a tunned ECU, etc.. Definetly 100%.

But I was just talking about Non NOS.. Sorry i didn't clarify. But for the average joe.. A spark plug is a spark plug is a spark plug. :)
well - typically on N2O setups they recommend actually going to a simpler, copper plug (usually a degree or two cooler depending on the size of the shot), a shorter ground strap, and a smaller gap.

They shy away from the fancier plugs since the platinum tends to not like the chemicals in N2O.
Quick your so damn smart!!! very few people are aware of this and also the platinum tend to stay (Lit) running,glowing (however you want to say it) even with a shorter strap! I used the Autolite in my s10.... It was great for Nitrous!
victor_vera said:
I just got the step by step from Quick, thanks!!

Unfortunatley it seems like its gonna have to be done by a pro, Im afraid that this is something way out of my league, Im afraid after taking all that apard I will end up messing something up, do you guys know any good, reliable mechanics around the phoenix area, and what should I excpect the price to be?

Victor...all I can tell you is to stay as far away as you can from the Lincoln dealers in Ahwatukee and Mesa and the 60. I mean run from those places. Ok, I have to clarify a bit on that. Fiesta on Mesa/60 now has a new service director that seems to be doing a much better job. So that may work out. I've heard the Lincoln Dealer in Scottsdale is very good. But my first choice would be 5 Star Ford on McDowell in Scottsdale. See Daniel. Hell of a good place to do business.
victor_vera said:
Im afraid that this is something way out of my league, Im afraid after taking all that apard I will end up messing something up

it really is not too bad. looks like a lot of stuff - but it's all a bunch of little things - nothing that needs special tools or know-how.

Heck - if we can do it - anyone can do it.
im gonna give it a shot, hopefully everything goes ok, too bad I just moved to Phoenix and live in the Ahwatukee hills, so Im gonna take 2001ls8sports advice and stay away from the dealers.. From the sound of it I problably have a better chance of doing it the right way since im doing it myself. Last time I took the car in to the dealer in Cerrritos, CA they gave it back with a flat tire , dead battery, and the worst part is I had to show them that the battery was located in the trunk. IDIOTS!
gijoe said:
I put Denso iridium plugs in my LS V8 but they are $11.99 each at I really like them and other friends of mine have put them in there vehicles also and are really happy with them.

What exactly are you happy with? that they work? or are you referring to some type of noticable change? ;)

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