speaker problems


New LVC Member
Jun 13, 2005
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My speakers on my 96 mark viii go off occassionally, need help in fixing this proplem.
Had the same issues

Mine turned out to be a loose connection on the back of the radio. I removed all of the connectors and after reconnecting, everything went back to normal.
Speaker Problem

Thanks, but how do I get behind the radio?

yeah, I used the ford keys and they just went in and hooked the stereo. Thats your best bet. On my 95' I had to take off the wood trim around the stereo and climate control stuff. Don't know about yours. good luck! :dancefool
klutch said:
You need the ford keys to pull it out. http://www.crutchfield.com/S-Ws6puB9YKzl/cgi-bin/ProdView.asp?g=820&I=120865618 other options are attempting to bend hangers to use but be very carefull if you break a clip you are gonna have a hell of a time getting the stereo out of there. another option that I did was to just call a stereo place and have them unlock it.

Thanks, bud, that was very helpful...

FYI, I went to Wal-Mart and bought this exact set of keys for $3.96. Would have cost $11 with shipping and I would have had to wait.
No Problem :) good to know they sell them at wal-mart thats why I went to the stereo place to have them do it so I didn't have to wait. Gonna pick me up a pair at Wal-Mart now.
I just pulled up to cerctcity and aske if I could see it then I just pulled it out and said thanks

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