Speaking of Ebay.....


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 15, 2005
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SF Bay Area
Is there really a 100% way to tell you are buying something brand new and not used or factory refurbished? Im that big a shopper there but in the past bought two Kenwood Decks and both went bad on me. Please dont tell me they are a bad brand. Im 39 yr old and have been using them since the 80's with no problems. Replaced the bad ones with the same model and they have been working ever since. Well ever since one got stolen and we upgraded the other.:)
I buy on Ebay as well, and most of the items are either used or refurbished, there are new items but not that many. The stuff i have bought on Ebay has been good so far, my Kenwood deck didn't come from Ebay!!!
I found what I thought was refurbished chrome 17" rim.... well since I had a bent rim on my LS. My dad purchased it for me as a gift. I got it in yesterday, and it is a used silver one painted with chrome.... AHHHHHHHH :mad:

Well needess to say the rim on the car and the vibration is gone, but it looks like Sh*t. :mad:


I guess it the chance you take on ebay... I will probally never buy again from ebay.
Mac98SHO said:
I found what I thought was refurbished chrome 17" rim.... well since I had a bent rim on my LS. My dad purchased it for me as a gift. I got it in yesterday, and it is a used silver one painted with chrome.... AHHHHHHHH :mad:

Well needess to say the rim on the car and the vibration is gone, but it looks like Sh*t. :mad:


I guess it the chance you take on ebay... I will probally never buy again from ebay.
Unfortunately that happens on Ebay and when it does it sucks!!!
You have to always make sure you check the feedback and user rating before u buy
Yup, I did that.... and my dad is ebay shopper so I had him check it out. They had a good rating. We are trying to see what he will do for possible solution, but I not holding my breath....

The good thing is my massive vibration is gone :D

Oh, yeah the rim sort of, from a distance looks like its chrome. :rolleyes:
PM80 said:
You have to always make sure you check the feedback and user rating before u buy
:I I always do that, if it is below 98 i move on!!
if you paid with a redit card you can reverse it as a fraud claim.I have had to do that a couplee of times.that is why I always pay with paypall & a credit card.Sometimes you can get it done threw paypal,but I had to go threw the visa.
Yes, saw photos, ask him specific questons. To make sure I was getting an 17inch chrome Lincoln LS rim.

We are currently waiting a respone from his as to what went wrong. I know what he will sa he need the rim back before he can send my another, unfortunately I do not have that luxury.

So I hope we can come to agreement.
Dartastic said:
Is there really a 100% way to tell you are buying something brand new and not used or factory refurbished?

If there is doubt (e.g., the ad does not say if the item is new, used, or refurbished), you should send the seller a message and ASK!

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