speedcal for gear swap on 2nd gen?

i don't know but im needing something to that effect also so please let me know if you find something
Well, I don't know the difference in signal production, but the GEN2 speed signal is produced by the wheel speed sensors not the tranny.

I'm not saying you could'nt use it, but it is different.

The speedo won't be off in a 2nd gen since it reads of the front ABS sensor.

Only the shift points will be affected but that needs to be adjusted in the tune anyway.

So in the essence the speedo gear does not need to be changed.
it does need to be changed, w/o a tune it will help the shift points putting them close to where they were before the gears, and even after a tune the shift points will still be off w/o the correct speedo gear.. (its not really a speedo gear in our case, its an OSS gear, Output Shaft Speed..)
i had no new speedo gear with my 3.73's before and after the tune, the tune corrected for my new gears, but the tranny still hunted for the right gear alot, the correct speedo gear fixed that..
No such issue existed on 5 (five) 2nd gen cars I've seen tuned in person.

But hell if you want to change it go ahead, it's a $5 part anyway.
it was on mine, but thats me..
it wasnt a life or death issue, just that i didnt like it hunting for a good gear at 35mph.. 2nd, 3rd, 2nd, 3rd.. at WOT it shifted fine.
that was pretty much the same thought i had, i might as well put the right one in there, its super cheap.
Thanks, you guys just saved me $100... I already have my shift points modified with the SCT chip so I don't think that will be a problem. I can't wait to drop in my 4.30/trac-loc pumpkin into the 98 LSC... right now it shifts at 6800rpm in drive and it sure takes awhile for it to get up there...
94m5 said:
but the GEN2 speed signal is produced by the wheel speed sensors not the tranny.

Is that sensor on the rear tires? a long time ago I heard it was on the front until I noticed that when I would spin the tires that the speedo would go up with the spin, meaning either it was monitoring rear wheels or somewhere along the drivetrain.

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