spray bombed my bike tank


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
Tampa ish
Decent results

I sanded the whole tank with 120 then 320 then 600 then 800 sprayed sandable primer. let dry recoated primer. Sanded primer with 2000. Srayed 4 coats of black. one hour between the first 3 then wet sanded with 2000. Put one more coat of black on let set one hour. whiped it down with a cheese cloth. sprayed clear coat. one coat let dry one hour. sprayed one coat let set and hour then one more.
seems ok cant wait to see it in the sun and wait a few weeks and buff it out
shoot guys sorry I havent been on Lvc for awile. I just read the Pepperman thing brought a tear to my eye. I will take some pictures tomorrow in the day light, I messed around with wet sanding down a small spot and used medium cut, then polish, then wax came out pretty good. I want to let the clear harden till the weekend to do the rest. I really think I got a good cover on the tank. It is alittle orange pealed but it wet sanded down on the spot I did and shined up pretty good. The bike is a 1980 Yamaha xs1100 I think the tank paint was original. It has runs from fuel spills that were a bitch to sand out. I am a terrible weekend warrior with a spray bomb, Jamie can tesitfy on that.


some pictures

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