Sputtering when accelerating.

Michael Johndrow

New LVC Member
May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Saint Louis
Hello guys,

Kind of new to this so bear with me....I have a 2000 lincoln LS 3.0 v6 auto. Most days when i accelerate it jerks and sputters when i try to take off. Some days (for example maybe 1 or 2 days out of the week) it will run fine and maybe only do it once. other days its on every acceleration attempt. i changed the alternator and also replaced the front air intake hose recently because the small black plastic box had broken off. all hoses are correct and are secured. I read online that it could be a misfire but i am not getting any check engine lights which makes that a little tougher to believe...although still possible. before doing the inevitable.. and dumping money into this and that.. i am hoping to at least get a few ideas so the money i put into it is appropriately spent.

I appreciate any ideas or input you guys have....

Thanks. -MJ http://www.lincolnvscadillac.com/forum/images/icons/icon6.png
...I read online that it could be a misfire but i am not getting any check engine lights which makes that a little tougher to believe...

Okay, broken record time...
Very often, the coils on the LS become marginal. When they do, they are bad enough to cause problems like you describe, but not bad enough to cause a check engine light or any stored codes.
I had expected this may be one the first things to try and might as well replace the plugs while i am there....I will try that this weekend and let you know if that resolves my issue. Also, do you guys recommend a certain brand or type of coil or are the cheap ones just as good as the more expensive ones...apologize if i sound like a noob... lol
So, i went this weekend and pulled the plugs and noticed one was saturated pretty badly with gas, making me think that the coil wasn't firing properly. replaced that coil and it resolved the issue. like driving a brand new Lincoln. thanks for the help!
I would recommend replacing all coils now at your convenience or else it will be at your cars mercy, hopefully doesn't happen during rush hour or when you really need to be somewhere. I have a box of new extra coils always for those rainy days.
Don't forget the fuel filter located behind the plastic on the left wheelwell. It is cheap so are the fuel line clips to remove the hoses if you do not have them. Stumbling under load acceleration can mean not getting enough fuel.

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