squeeky belt


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 6, 2005
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alright, i have a belt that will not stop squeeking, i bought a new belt and alternator from napa, installed and it just wont stop squeaking... i used belt conditioner the spray and it stops it for like 20 mins and it just returns... any ideas how to stop it, i heard of using soap but i dunno bout that any help would be appreciated
Try replacing the tensioner pulley($10) and there is another one that looks exactly like it that might need to be replaced. Oh yeah dont waste your money on stupid belt conditioner stuff. Or the tensioner may be loose causing the belt to slip therefore making the sqweek. to test if it is, while the car is off see if you can twist the belt around so that the ribbed side is facing you.
I just replaced the idler pulley from a squeeking noise I had. I also recommend a GatorBack belt, they work awesome and are quiet. :Beer
well the belt is loose i can twist the ribs towards me like stated above.. how do i tighten it, also what are the p/n for the idler pulley and tensioner pulley. Are they hard to remove?
You will have to put a 1/2" drive ratchet into the sqaure hole and push it so tension is released from the belt. Then you should have someone pull the belt off of the alternator pulley. Next I belive there are two or three bolts that hold the idler down, you must remove those. Then you can check the pulley and idler while they are out of the car. Im not sure how much the idler arm assembly is but you can check online somewhere. And BTW if you keep driving/ running the car the belt may heat up from all the slippage and get glazed over which would result in you having to buy a new belt.

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