

Well-Known LVC Member
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
yea some *ssholes threw a 40 of olde english at my girlfriends car this morn @ 5:40am. after that they hit the car repeatedly 5-7 times with wooden molding. my car was in the next drive way. i think her car would stand out more cause it's silver with rims. heard here alarm going off so we ran outside but they were gone by the time we got to the door =\






Well look on the bright side they didnt rip Her dash apart for the cd player or something. Check with you insurance co. they may cover this with no dect. I had my LS' windshield replaced for free which would have cost over $700 but Im not sure about the rear window.
Wow... What did she do?

It was probably some punk kids with nothing better to do. I remember when I was a punk kid and breaking/damaging was "fun"... Now, I wish I knew who's property I damaged so I can go back and pay for it. People work hard to have nice things. I know I'd be pissed if my stuff got damaged.

Those punks may not realize it now, but they will when... actually "if" they ever get nice things.

My .02¢
she only has liability. this isn't the first time something like this has happened to us so after the 1st time my dad put cameras on the house. here is a timeline of what the cameras caught

first pic 5:42:10 nothing

2nd pic 5:42:14 car headlights approach from left

3rd pic 5:42:26 2 or 3 guys smash her car, car is parked behind trees on left

4th pic 5:42:38 car takes off and taillights are seen and the rest of the car is cut out by the house

5th pic 5:42:39 car is seen leaving the scene, black in color?

6th pic 5:42:40 a license plate of the car can be seen right above the hot rod but is illegible

7th pic 5:42:55 my family and i go outside missing the car by 15 seconds

in the 5th pic could you guys possibly make out what kind of car it would be? i drove around for a while afterwards and i saw something like a black nissan, maybe a maxima like car drive up to a house and drop 2 teenagers off around 5:55am, then they ran behind the fence into the house real quick then the car took off could get a license plate # off it.
see if the cops can finger print the wood and possibly find some one with a previous record. or you can get some fine graphite and lift the fingerprint your self and have the cops run the print
thats a little od dont ya think y would they waste theyre time n resources
yea they don wasn't their time and money on small things such as this.

the back window's is even worse now. after movign it twice and opening and closing door over 1/2 of it has caved in..
i dont think its a 240 sx, the front in (front side picture) looks too short, i've owned 240s and they arent that short, looks like either a maxima or altima, probably an older maxima from the looks of it. is it just me or do the lights of the infiniti look on in the pictures where u can see the front of it? i thought it was a glare at first but the first two pictures dont have the glare and the next 2 do
if you push the issue, whatever department that you are in the jurisdiction of would have to gather the evidence and run the prints. A lot of kids that are into doing this kind of stuff stand a good chance of having priors for some kind of possession, vandalism or the like. You might get lucky.

Either way, home owner's insurance should cover it since it was on your property. (provided they cover vandalism)
That seems like an unusual "random" attack-
What kind of friends does your girlfriend hang out around? You might figure out who did this by talking to you girlfriend and finding out who's mad at her, and if they, or their boyfriends, are capable of such a cowardly, destructive thing.
I hope you find them.

on the brightside its only the window.

I would beat their Azses
looks like either a maxima or altima, probably an older maxima from the looks of it. is it just me or do the lights of the infiniti look on in the pictures where u can see the front of it? i thought it was a glare at first but the first two pictures dont have the glare and the next 2 do

-i agree with the maxima/altima piece, i drove around the neighborhood and caught a few teenagers running to a house out of a black maxima around 5:55am, only 12 or so minutes after it happened. The maxima drove pretty quickly away but I couldn’t catch a plate #
-the lights were on her car, the alarm started going off after a few hits to the car

That seems like an unusual "random" attack-
What kind of friends does your girlfriend hang out around? You might figure out who did this by talking to you girlfriend and finding out who's mad at her, and if they, or their boyfriends, are capable of such a cowardly, destructive thing.
-me and my gf have a very small and exclusive group of friends. we both hang out with the same people and we don’t really go out to bar and clubs a lot. we're so busy with school or work that we don’t get out much. Neither of us could think of anyone that would do something like this. her last boyfriend was over 3 1/2 years ago and he is 26+ by now plus he lives about 30 mins from where i'm at.

In 2 years within 2 blocks of me or on my block a car was stolen out of my neighbors driveway directly behind me, 2 cars broken into in my driveway, someone shot a flare at my next door neighbors house, someone stole a brand new car cover off my neighbors corvette, a few cars were unlocked and someone went into the cars and stole change out of the cars, someone stole our mail to try to get the mailman’s Christmas tip.

Only in the past 2 or 3 year we began to have trouble like this. When I was a kid no crime or anything happened where I lived..
yeah whole country is going to :q:q:q:q.

I remember when no one touched another mans car. It was like an unwritten rule
That's messed up.

Couple of years ago some dumb asses hit my friends 2001 740il with eggs (and yes they weren't fried) and put some kind of sirup on top of it and on the wheels.

It happened at night next to his house, who knows who??

Idiots, some people don't have nothing else to do, that's why.
Wow... What did she do?

It was probably some punk kids with nothing better to do. I remember when I was a punk kid and breaking/damaging was "fun"... Now, I wish I knew who's property I damaged so I can go back and pay for it. People work hard to have nice things. I know I'd be pissed if my stuff got damaged.

Those punks may not realize it now, but they will when... actually "if" they ever get nice things.

My .02¢

This is so true dude. One thing is the sound of breaking glass allways sounded cool to me and my friends when we were young and dumb.

Finger prints are expensive for the department to fully handle, I know that for a fact they only use that method for certain instances they never will for vandalism or half of us here would have been :q:q:q:qed when we were young and dumb.

It looks to me like a VW but I dont think I have a clear enough shot on my screen, and another it wasnt random. To go through all that at 5:00 in the morning and get out and make sure the damage was done..... sorry to say but someone's pissed off at her for something.

Damn I like Infinty's especialy the Sudo american versions of Presidente's, thos are VIP cars...man that sucks.
WOW, that's crazy, where I'm from there's not too much of that going around, but my friend from PA said theres like a group of 18-25 year olds that go around stealing/vandalising cars. I don't see the point to do it to someone random like that. I would probably have chased that maxima down you saw 2 kids hop out of, I mean it was 5am what were they doing out.
So if you find those kids (or even if you just THINK you found them ;) ) I'm up for a little vigilante justice, a little Code of Hammurabi, if I may. :shifty:
It looks to me like a VW but I dont think I have a clear enough shot on my screen, and another it wasnt random.

yeh it looks sortof like vw golf or old rabbit but he said there was suspicious activity with a nissan, why would someone run like that
well they threw a 40 of olde english at the car so i'm assuming they were drunk and out all night.

we kept thinking if anyone would do that but we dont have any enemies. plus my girlfriend lives a few towns over, her car was at my house when this happened, if someone was after her they would go to her hosue to damage the car.

today we saw something on the news that 2 cars got into a head on collision early that morning and both parties were drunk. they said the suv had 1 person in it and the car had 4 people in it all intoxicated. my uncles a cop so we are going to see if we can get anymore info on it.

i'll keep you guys updated.

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