SST doesn't respond to upshift?


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Carpentersville, IL
I can get it as far as second gear and it won't go any higher? It'll downshift fine, but once in second, I can tap the shifter a hundred times and it won't upshift. Anyone ever experience this? Car shifts fine in D4 or D5.

No error messages show up either, just doesn't do jack.

I thought maybe the upshift sensor on the stick was busted but you said you can get it to go from 1-2... hmmm........ :shifty:
Had it happen a couple times too. Only way to reset it is to turn the car off and back on and its fine. Some kind of glitch.
i never really use that features, sometimes i do if i'm in the mood to drive a bit fast, but i never experienced problems with it, and i hope it doesn't come in the future. But if you got warranty on the car, wouldn't it be counted as tranny issues? w/e the issue, i would take it up at the dealership

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