Stanley Tookie Williams


Well-Known LVC Member
May 9, 2004
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Fairfield, CA
Gang founder, criminal, drug dealer, convicted murder, self confessed hell raiser.

Will his execution prevent others from following in his steps?
Will his execution benefit society in any way?
Does 24 years of trying to "redeem" himself on death row count for anything?
Will his death bring any peace to the families of his victims?

Or will his execution only antagonize those living their lives on the street, fueling civil unrest?
He was sentenced to death.
He slaughtered four people.

He's been allowed to strut around that prison like a king for over two decades, soaking up the praise of an international media that hates the U.S. and the death penalty. The daughter he killed never had the opportunity to write a children's book. The man who he laughed at while moaning in pain after being shot never got his own website.

Someone the victim's have been forgotten in this story.

Goodnight, Tookie.
I hope politics don't prevent justice.
mach8 said:
Gang founder, criminal, drug dealer, convicted murder, self confessed hell raiser.

Will his execution prevent others from following in his steps?
Will his execution benefit society in any way?
Does 24 years of trying to "redeem" himself on death row count for anything?
Will his death bring any peace to the families of his victims?

Or will his execution only antagonize those living their lives on the street, fueling civil unrest?

My answers to your questions:
I'm glad you put "redeem" in quotes.
I hope so.
If it does, it's their own fault, not societies.
The chair is "cruel and unusual."

Now we have to administer an anesthetic to lull him into a gentle sleep before administering the muscle relaxant to stop breathing....

Not nearly as violent as being shot twice with a shotgun pressed against your back while being forced to lay on the floor.

Just read up on the guy using Wikipedia.
I don't understand why they worry about a deathrow inmate's pain at death. I can understand if it is long and drawn out, but hell, they did something to deserve to die in the law's eyes already, so who cares?
The most interesting (and grossly abhorrent) part of this story is that the Hollywood Left Wackos are coming out of the woodwork in order to make fools of thems- er - I mean - try to prevent his execution.
you should substitute most interesting in the above comment with something like, "geez, here we go again Hollywood. Can't you stfu and mind your own gd business?"
Calabrio said:
He was sentenced to death.
He slaughtered four people.

He's been allowed to strut around that prison like a king for over two decades, soaking up the praise of an international media that hates the U.S. and the death penalty. The daughter he killed never had the opportunity to write a children's book. The man who he laughed at while moaning in pain after being shot never got his own website.

Someone the victim's have been forgotten in this story.

Goodnight, Tookie.
I hope politics don't prevent justice.

Look at that, I fully agree with you on him dieing.... You forgot to mention he founded one of the most violent gangs in America.

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