Starting issues in rainy weather


New LVC Member
Jul 2, 2005
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South carolina
I just bought a 95 mark viii with 55,000 miles on it. The only issue is that the engine has a very slight miss which can be seen by the tensioner pulley jumping a little bit at idle. Also after a heavy rain the car is not driveable. It will start but the idle jumps between 1500 and 500 rpm for about 30 seconds and then dies. While it is doing this it does not rev above 1500 rpm and is not responsive to giving it more gas. Im thinking its a throttle position sensor. Does anyone have any other ideas?
it might be the TPS, or you can have your IAC (idle air control) valve cleaned out and see what happens.
JoeyLincolnMK8 said:
it might be the TPS, or you can have your IAC (idle air control) valve cleaned out and see what happens.

How do i have my idle air control valve cleaned out?
Run a code scan on the car and see if there are any stored codes. Beats throwing parts at it in hopes of fixing it.
I'd start with plugs, and then wires. The gaps might really be off and you may a wire arching. You can always check for that at night.

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